Nyum's Movie Reviews

Friday, January 20, 2006

Memoirs of a Geisha

Okay, first and foremost, I didn't read the book. And with that said, I actually enjoyed this film. A cross between a documentary and a film where a story was told. It did lack some detail but there's only so much you can fit into the time frame given before it drags.

I used to like Ziyi Zhang quite a bit, but you know, she's only really good looking when she has a certain face on with her hair down... She was good in this movie though. Michelle Yeoh was quite convincing too, but it was strange to see her as a geisha that didn't white out her face. Li Gong was the same, she didn't really white out her face much at all.

And how weird was it seeing Ken Watanabe with hair! LOL!! But I enjoyed the movie. It was interesting. The scenery was good. But there was a lot of holes... it jumped from part to part with a lot unexplained. One thing I commend them on is their Japanese. Everyone spoke with a fluent accent (from what I can tell). It was clear and I understood some of it. But basically, it's about a girl and her life from the moment she was sold... till the moment she made her dreams come true. All the hardships and how she was inspired to be a geisha.

IMDB Link: http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0397535/


  • i think this was a very nice movie, altho its been banned in china, and the japanese didnt like that geisha was being played by a chinese woman.

    By Blogger Papigiulio, at 5:11 PM  

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