Ice Princess

Okay, this was one of those feel good Disney movies. I liked it... even thought it's one for the kids! Hahaha!
I think I quite like the movie though. It was fun. I have to say... Joan Cusack looked sooo old!! And Kim Cattrall... looked like she hasn't aged much at all!
And man, Hayden Panettiere has grown up heaps! I still remember her from Remember the Titans. Man she was young back then! But who I liked the most... and probably why I watched the film... was cause of Michelle Trachtenberg! She's grown on me over the years. The movie was pretty much based on her character growing up and realising what she wants.
She starts off as a complete geek with the potential of getting a scholarship into a prestige school... but when she takes an assignment onboard, it gets a little more personal and starts to take over her life. That's when things get complicated. But it's good because it shows how people make their choices and what people are willing to do. It also showed the ugliness in competitive sport and how people can put on one face for the media, and another for the people around them.
I liked it. And it was cool seeing people like Michelle Kwan playing herself as a commentator.
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