Nyum's Movie Reviews

Friday, July 08, 2005


Hahaha. This one's bad for kids. It'll teach you how to weasel your way out of anything... not that it'll work... but it'll make the moment a hell of a lot funnier... Oh... that and... this kinda stuff only happens in America...

Basically... a duo from childhood cheat their way all the way through high school. Then something goes wrong and they find themselves in a whole new ball game. So they try to take cheating to a whole new level.

And even then... things just don't work out. I guess that's where the saying comes from... cheaters never prosper...

I like the blurb on the poster though... "Rule 4 - The permanent record is a MYTH perpetrated to keep the student in a constant state of fear." Classic!

IMDB Link: http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0250292/


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