Nyum's Movie Reviews

Friday, January 13, 2006

White Noise

Interesting movie. It'll make you second guess any static or crackling noise you hear on your radio or electrical equipment.

It was an alright movie though, wasn't the best because when Michael Keaton's character gets a little outta control, the story starts to get a little dumb. To be obsessed about speaking to the dead is a little beyond my understanding...

And to be so into even after watching people around them die is a little disturbing!

I dunno... you need to see it for yourself and describe... but it's basically a method of talking to the dead through soundwaves and stuff. Apparently it happens in real life and some psychics know how to channel it... but who knows... opens your eyes to something new...

IMDB Link: http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0375210/


  • The movie freaks me out just by thinking it... probably because i'm surrounded by electronic stuff...

    By Blogger Nyum, at 2:29 AM  

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