Nyum's Movie Reviews

Saturday, October 15, 2005


OMG, this movie sucked!! Firstly, it was just silly. Josh Lucas was pretty good though. I was quite disappointed with Jamie Foxx. I mean, i'm going to ruin it, but they killed him off really early! And what's worse, they tried to make him into someone that's full of hypothesis and it wasn't hip at all!

I thought Jessica Biel was pretty good, but man, it was stoopid that a trained sniper could not take her out, instead, only got her wounded. That was dumb! I mean, seriously, you took someone down... they get back up, take the second shot and disable them altogether!

And the robot plane, how stupid... sure it's cool, but the whole thing was stupid. I thought this movie was just crap. The special effects were cool, but the story was crap.

IMDB Link: http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0382992/


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