Meet the Fockers

Gaylord Focker!!!!!!!
It was okay. It definitely wasn't the best and the first part of the movie made me feel a little awkward for some strange reason. Can't really put my finger on it, but something felt weird about this movie.
I like Robert De Niro and Ben Stiller. They are funny. I don't think I liked Barbra Streisand at all. I think she should retire already! Dustin Hoffman did do a nice job though. I reckon it would have been heaps funny with Ben Stiller's real dad. That would have been a crack up!
I loved how they brought back Owen Wilson as well. That was pretty cool. The names were awesome. Some of his relo's had awesome Focker names if you pick it up ;)
Give it a go. It's definitely not better than the first, but it's something to watch.
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