Nyum's Movie Reviews

Sunday, January 01, 2006

Fever Pitch

Hahahaha!! This was pretty funny.

Drew Barrymore is such a good sport! To be like... participating in everything that Jimmy Fallon's character does. But it's scary to know someone that's so devoted to a sport that they would have a collection like that and an obsession like that!! That's kinda scary!!

But I have to admit, it was an enjoyable movie. Basically a girl who is looking for that special someone, after rejecting so many people, finds this baseball crazed person. Only... she finds out after they've dated and well... things get interesting. Especially when she can't get her work done so that she can spend time with him... and that everything revolves around the baseball schedule... kinda scary. But you have to see how they manage through it :)

IMDB Link: http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0332047/


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