Nyum's Movie Reviews

Tuesday, May 31, 2005

They Call Me Bruce?


Classic Movie! Simply Classic!! I love it!

I mean... the quotes from this movie are just awesome! Corny, silly, but awesome!!

"With my right foot, I can knock out that knife.
With my left, I can kick your nose.
With this hand, I can poke out your eyes.
With this *holds up his other hand*, I can break your neck.
Take a good look at my face...
I'm an Oriental."

HAHAHAHA!!! It's one of those silly stupid movies, but it's just sooo goood!!

And lines like...

Bruce: Do you like sushi like I like sushi?
Cowboy: I like Susie... Susie's my girl!
Bruce: Oh, I had sushi last night!

Bruce: I am a sex object. I always ask women for sex, and they object.

HAHAHAHA!!! This movie is just a crack up!!

Definitely worth the $5 it cost me to get it on DVD :) A collectable! :) Give it a go! It's awesome!

IMDB Link: http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0084786/


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