Nyum's Movie Reviews

Wednesday, December 15, 2004


Hehehehe. A cool teen flick. Most of them were newbee actors.

You come out of this movie with a new catch phrase. "Scuzzi Scuzzi!!!" hehehehe. That was so funny. There were some dumb parts, but man, who can forget "Fluggengegeholen" or was it... "Fluggengecheimen". Hehehe!! You must watch to find out! I didn't even recognise Lucy Lawless!

And who can forget Hapi Djus? Ahhhh.... Hapi Djus ;) If you watch the DVD, you'll so many special features that's definitely worth the watch ;) hehehehe. I liked this movie. It's a no brainer. It was quite entertaining! And you get to see parts of Europe ;)

IMDB Link: http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0356150/


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