Nyum's Movie Reviews

Tuesday, December 21, 2004

Just Married

I guess I'm still on my Brittany Murphy movie spree... I dunno, she's just wacky, good to watch when you're not feeling the best ;)

Anyway, the movie was cool. It was rather funny. Anything that could have gone wrong, went wrong. I didn't quite like Ashton Kutchar's character. It was so... typical stupid male. It makes the male population look controlling and dumb. He overreacted a lot. But I guess they wanted someone like that so the story could build.

I loved some of the character's names. Sarah's (played by Brittany Murphy) family had the weirdest names!! The mother was called Pussy, the sons were called Dickie and Willie. And Sarah had the nickname Pee-wee. Hahahaha.

Overall, the movie was funny, though, I wish they showed more of the scenery when they were in Europe. Point of the story... the first months of a marriage is always the toughest.

IMDB Link: http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0305711/


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