The Pacifier

Hmm... This movie wasn't all that good... but it wasn't THAT bad either...
It was a copy of a whole bunch of movies blended into one... Like Kindergarten Cop blended with Stepmom and Mrs. Doubtfire. I mean, it wasn't all that sappy... there were some interesting fighting scenes... and some really flashy moves performed by Vin Diesel... but the comedy in this was quite lame.
A Navy seal sent on a mission to retrieve some security program of some sort... and fails when the hostage he was rescuing dies... and he gets shot in the process... what's worse is that they didn't kill him off... that was kinda stupid... (okay, it's a Disney movie... I grant it that...)
But then to be assigned child duties... whilst the mother is off to some remote bank to try and get access to a safe deposit box... that's just weird. And the "ghost" CD he found... that's sooo not a DVD... It was an imation CD... what... a bootlegged movie? Burnt DVD if I saw it wrong? And they play a part with a "password"... yet... it wasn't even used... it's like the writers changed the story half way through.
Anyway... the wrestling scene was funny and some of the action scenes were okay... but all in all... wait until this movie is on DVD and rent it...
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