
Hmm, okay, this movie wasn't good at all. Rather, it was quite bad, no, I dunno, it was... alright. Most of the movie was silly and I have to admit, the special effects were just mediocre. I like the first person view though, that I thought was pretty cool.
I didn't quite like Karl Urban and Rosamund Pike looks sooooo different that she wasn't suited to be his sister. The Rock was alright, but man, how stubborn did he get. I found it strange that he didn't mutate all that fast.
The storyline was a little weak. Especially since they said it only chose certain people etc. Funny how a person who was so into religion, could be a donor that was modified in a way to be evil. That was silly. Of ALL the people that would have gotten infected of some sort, none of them were "good" so to speak, then again you can argue that it's because it chose the carriers.
I dunno, watch and see for yourself, just don't expect anything!
IMDB Link:
got tired of updating? :p
Papigiulio, at 5:37 AM
Hahaha, no no, just been busy. Heaps busy. I've got a few to post actually. I just need to source images etc. But I'll start publishing tonight if I get the chance to. Just with all the travelling I've been doing for work, it's hard ;p
Nyum, at 8:42 AM
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