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It was an alright movie. It started off a little slow... And I'm started to dislike Christina Applegate a lot...Gwyneth Paltrow didn't look herself either. It looked like she had a fake tan on in the beginning and it was just weird (well okay, i missed like the first 10mins... but still).
Candice Bergen... it was funny to see her as the role model. And who could forget Mike Myers. What a clown. And the things he does with his eyes. So weird. But it was funny. It was weird to see how Christina's character was not busted way before she was dobbed in.
But I have to say, Gwyneth Paltrow looked mighty fine in this movie. The outfits and the perfect hair. And man, did she get a figure or what! Very nice indeed! And the outtakes at the end were funny! Basically, it's about her character on a journey to reach for the skies. To be the best, but she ends up being backstabbed and fights for what she rightfully should have... at the cost of yet another thing. Job... or boyfriend (played by Mark Ruffalo)... One of those decisions. But it's an alright movie. Should give it a go... if not for a perve ;p
IMDB Link:
damn alot of unknown movies lately which i havent seen :P
btw i have also a movie blog at my blog atm now :) ripped ur idea :P
Papigiulio, at 2:43 AM
At least you've decided to start blogging again!!
I'll check it out :D
But come on... some of these movies are old!! You should have seen some of them at least!!
Nyum, at 9:33 AM
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