Warriors of Heaven and Earth

I have to say, I liked Hero and House of Flying Daggers better. Warriors of Heaven and Earth was good in the sense where it showed true leadership and rightful conduct of chivelry. However, the relic and the special effects made the movie very cheesy. They were very out of place!
The scenery and landscape was awesome. The fight scenes weren't nearly as nicely choreographed as other traditional Chinese war movies, but it wasn't bad either. The weapons and armor did look authentic, but some of the hair styles were quite weird. I wouldn't have expected someone of that time to have braided hair. Ponytails, hair tied upwards in knots, or simply ferral was what I would have expected.
It wasn't an arty film. I think it had some historical value to it. I would have to do some research on old Chinese history to find out of some of the events really occured. It's a little like Gladiator in a sense, but less elaborate.
For those who can actually read Chinese, you would think the title in English is a little wrong. The correct translation should be Heros of Heaven and Earth. But I think Warriors probably had a better ring to it. (You can actually compare the Chinese characters on this poster with the one on Hero and see for yourself ;p)
Note: This film is filmed in Mandarin with minor scenes in Japanese.
IMDB Link: http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0374330/
Official Website: http://www.sonyclassics.com/warriors/
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