Imaginary Heroes

Very... morbid.
It was an interesting movie nonetheless. It's about suicides... death... how life goes on after and how it affects us all. Losing a son is a difficult and challenging time and seeing how certain people handle it all is intriguing.
Emile Hirsch plays the brother who finds his brother dead in his bed room. Sigourney Weaver plays the mother who doesn't know how to cope with it all and Jeff Daniels is the father who just can't handle it. He goes slightly dillusional, thinking his son will one day walk back in through the door and makes his wife cook an extra plate of food to leave on the table in case that happens.
But each character is twisted. Living a life of rebelliousness and mischief. Michelle Williams, who plays the sister, is fairly immune to it all and stays very numb about the whole incident. It shows she's just able to move on from it without thinking about it. That and she lives away from home so it's made to look as if she's neglected from the family.
It is an interesting movie, but it will take a bit to get into the story.
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