Super Size Me!

I'm sooooo not eating Maccers!! Omg... sure, this guy took it to an extreme by having it day in day out... but even then, they show the most disgusting things about the food.
I can't believe they took footage of his vomit!!
It almost invoked chain puking with the people I was watching it with. Thank god it didn't!! But after that movie, it was funny how the Maccers in Australia came up with all the flyers and stuff about how it's wrong and how they don't have super sizing and that they now use breast meat only in the nuggets and stuff like that.
There's also a whole bunch of other stuff they are doing right now to re-build their name... I didn't eat maccers for like 2-3mths. And even now, I haven't had it in a while. Only when absolutely desperate! Thank goodness there isn't a maccers where I work now! (Though, some of the Happy Meal Toys are awesome!)
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