Without a Paddle

Entertaining. There was 1 scene where I almost vomitted. But it was hillarious nonetheless. It was one wacky adventure but it was a good one.
I liked each of the characters. They formed a good trio. Seth Green always plays the loser, or the geek or the rich loser in most of his movies and this was no exception. But it was cool though.
There were a few dumb parts like seriously, they would have had enough time to at least put on a shirt before they got off the tree. I'm sure they would have had that time to put something on. And the clothes they managed to get at the end. I think they should have at least made it so that the clothes didn't fit as snug as it did. The three of them were of different builds and they all managed to find clothing that fit inside that trunk. I mean, okay, the jeans were a little short when you looked at it, but it still fit him!
I also want to find a phone that can go through a digestive system without being damaged ;) Anyway, very entertaining! Watch it for fun ;)
IMDB Link: http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0364751
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