Nyum's Movie Reviews

Monday, August 01, 2005

The Banger Sisters

I can't believe I stayed in front of the box throughout this movie... Thank god it was only Free to Air TV when I saw this...

Seriously... I think the only reason why I watched it was cause I wanted to see what Geoffrey Rush was going to do with the gun!

I do have to admit... Goldie Hawn is a complete fruitloop as well! Maybe that's why this is the last movie she's done in a while... But then again, she suited her character to a tee. Wacky, cooky, silly, outrageous and more!

Though, seeing Susan Sarandon as a wannabee hippy was hiliarous. Not that I'm into her or anything, but it was different to see her as a figure other than some boring old mom.

If you watch this... Free 2 Air TV I say... Free 2 Air...

IMDB Link: http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0280460/


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