Monster in Law

What was I thinking when I went to watch this movie?!?!
Once again, Jennifer Lopez plays the victim... the poor girl who's parents died and she's doing it on her own etc... I'm so sick of it... what's worse is that her acting in this movie seems to have gotten to the point where she's just juvenile!! It was really.. poor... a lot of hee hee's and haa haa's... More like... too much from her side!!
Jane Fonda was cool. This was like... her first movie in 15 years and boy did she look good for her age!! Michael Vartan didn't really have that big a role in the movie... Though, I did quite like Wanda Syke's character. She was definitely funny.
Basically... as the title suggests... the mother and law and the bride to be just don't get along and they try to ruin each other. Watch what they do!
Best scene in the entire movie: Watching J. Lo get face slammed into the cake repeatedly!!
IMDB Link:
Apple Trailers:
Ow comonnn this movie was quite fun. It's just a feel good flick, with a few laughs haha :)
Have to remind me a scene tho. :P
Papigiulio, at 3:55 AM
Hahaha. Well, it was funny at times, I give it that. But that's cause Jane Fonda made it funny!!
J.Lo wasn't all that good at all!! She tried to play that sweet and innocent girl who's childish and carefree... it didn't work... I dunno!!! I need to see another J.Lo movie to decide... one where she's NOT the victim!
Nyum, at 11:48 AM
Watch moneytrain :P
Papigiulio, at 8:09 AM
whats this word verification ??? its annoying
Papigiulio, at 8:10 AM
hahaha. I've seen it, but i don't recall j.lo in it!!
Ther word verification thing was to stop the "annoymous" posters... but i'll turn it off for this blog.
I'll keep it on with my other blog for a little while.
Nyum, at 11:53 PM
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