Nyum's Movie Reviews

Tuesday, February 22, 2005

The Whole Ten Yards

I like proper sequels. What do I mean by proper? When they managed to get 90% of the original cast back. Most sequels these days don't have that. But now, because the public likes to see the old cast, they tend to bring them all back ;)

I liked this movie. I thought it was wacky and funny. The twists were heaps good. And seeing Bruce Willis the way he was during the first part of the movie. That was pretty funny. I didn't like it better than the first though, the first was definitely better, but this was still good.

There really wasn't too much of a storyline, but it was very interesting to see how they reused a character they killed off in the first movie as a different character in the second, but it totally made sense ;)

Anyway, give it a shot. I know IMDB rates it poorly, but you may enjoy it.

IMDB Link: http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0327247/


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