The One

Hmm, okay, one of Jet Li's poorer movies.
The story was a little weak and a little too silly. I mean, the best part in the entire movie, was seeing all the combination of Jet Li's... that was hilarious! But even the fight scenes weren't all that impressive.
Jason Statham wasn't all that good either. I mean, I didn't even realise it was him, but he did sound like he could barely talk properly... The special effects were alright, but I think I was expecting a lot from this movie that just didn't happen. It just needed a better script. The dialogue in this movie was just so damn weak!
IMDB Link:
agreed this movie sucks, Jet li shouldnt work with Hollywood to make movies imo
Papigiulio, at 1:37 AM
Well, Unleashed was okay and I really enjoyed Romeo Must Die... but everything else... nah...
Nyum, at 11:30 AM
comon dont tell me you liek romeo must die more then his "hero" or "fist of legend" :)
Papigiulio, at 11:48 PM
altho romeo must die is indeed a nie movie :)
Papigiulio, at 11:48 PM
Romeo must die and Hero are both really good. But totally different genres.
One was more hollywood special effects thing and the other is like... arty.
But both were still heaps better than The One.
Nyum, at 1:33 PM
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