Batman Begins

I loved it. It was really enjoyable!
The beginning was a little strange, seeing him fighting in a prison, but how they ended up explaining everything made a lot of sense. Though, it was weird that he got out of prison so easily. He definitely didn't really put himself in there, that or the Chinese would definitely not have known he was going in there of his own free will.
Christian Bale was an interesting actor. I thought he did a fabulous job. Michael Caine was also excellent. He's such a versitile actor. I love the line where he says "You do so many push ups everyday and you can't even push that off you" (well, similar to that). Liam Neeson... I stand by my comment about him. He's born to die in films. So far, most of his latest films... he's been killed off. And his roles aren't all that long either.
And of course, there's Katie Holmes who plays the sassy DA. I think she did a nice job, but she looked too young for the part.
What I really liked about the film was how everything tied itself together. I loved how Morgan Freeman was the gadgets guy and his gadgets were pretty cool. What was also really good was that they made Bruce Wayne very human. The showed his bruises, his cuts. But there was this one scene when he was on fire. I expected his face to get burnt slightly, but none of that at all!
I think the main thing that I didn't really like... was the car. Yes... I liked the tank for what it was... but the fact that the chair moves into different positions for different modes... was just too weird! I mean... I don't get the point of shifting someone that low to use the weapons. And how does one bend in that position from a sitting position??? Don't you have to step on the accelerator/brake as your drive?! (Yeah sure... Cruise control when you're being chased by a cops and helicopters...)
Anyway, all in all, I loved the movie. Small hiccups will always just be hiccups. And I loved how it ended too. Definitely worth the watch!
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