Nyum's Movie Reviews

Thursday, January 05, 2006

King Kong

Wow... I loved it. It was so good and so very sad.

Some scenes I didn't agree with. Like that whole insect scene. It was just dragged out far too long. And I didn't quite like Naomi Watts. Everything she did reminded me of Nicole Kidman. The expressions, the movements, everything. And I didn't like how they didn't explain how they managed to drag King Kong onto the boat.

I thought Jack Black played an awesome character. And I loved the T-Rex vs King Kong scenes. You so saw it coming, but that was awesome! And the dinosaurs tumbling like a bad car accident, that was so good!!

And the ending was just so sad. I felt every emotion in this movie. It was just so good. I loved it. It was a good movie. It would have been a super fantastic movie if they got rid of Watts, but you know, I think it worked well for what it's worth. Just a personal dis-preference. But definitely watch this movie!!

IMDB Link: http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0360717/


  • Definitely!!

    You definitely need to see this movie! It's so good. I mean, sure, I hated Naomi Watts because she really is a Nicole Kidman handbag...

    But the movie itself was awesome! And the ending was so touching!

    By Blogger Nyum, at 2:32 AM  

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