Nyum's Movie Reviews

Tuesday, January 18, 2005

The Aviator

It was a little hard getting through the first 30mins of this film. Mainly cause I just don't think I was all that interested. But after you get past it, it started to get really good.

Leonardo DiCaprio doesn't seem to age. I don't know why, but he looked so damn young in this film. I reckon he can still play the part of a teenager on one of those drama series like The OC or something. But DiCaprio's portrayal of Howard Hughes was brilliant.

I can't say I was into history all that much, but with this telling the story of a historical person, you learn a lot. This man knew how to take a risk. He gambled it all and it paid off. What a marvellous effort! Such passion!

Basically, it's a historic tale of how Howard Hughes faught for his beliefs in aviation, and won! Definitely worth the watch. (Though, I have to warn you, you may get annoyed with Cate Blanchett's accent... cause I know it annoyed the living hell out of me!)

(P.S. Here's another interesting fact, the immediate movie prior to The Aviator that Leonardo DiCaprio starred in was Catch Me If You Can, a film also about flying and also has Pan Am Airways in it. Interesting huh?)

IMDB Link: http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0338751/

Official Website: http://www.miramax.com/aviator/


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