Nyum's Movie Reviews

Thursday, November 11, 2004


Ahhh... What an interesting movie! Collateral is very different from your conventional Action/Thriller flick... I don't even know if it would classify as a thriller... maybe more of an Action/Drama type of thing. It didn't hold me to the edge of my seat waiting to see what would happen, but it didn't bore me either, yet, I would recommend that you watch it for yourself and see!

What I found interesting is that even though Jamie Foxx and Jada Smith were both in this flick, they didn't have many music from either of the two. You'd think they would include a song from their repertoire, but nup. (Yes... Jada Smith sings as well as acts. She too has moved from the acting scene into the music scene...)

The main thing about this flick was that it wasn't like every other conventional flick out there. The way it was filmed reminds you of a home video with everything happening right there and then. You can feel the anxiety, the impatience and the determination of all the characters. It was like watching an instant replay of real events rather than a made up story. Almost as if the story was being re-told only without the narration.

Tom Cruise's performance was amazing. As usual, he doesn't let you down. It was weird seeing him with grey hair and dyed eye brows. It looked a little weird, but after you blend it with the grey suit he was sporting throughout the movie, and his role as an assassin... it fit the part nicely. You wouldn't want a "fresh" assassin... young... dark hair... lack of experience... you want a pro. And his image fits the profile nicely.

I also liked how the characters developed. You see how desperation changes one's actions. You also see how professionals will pursue their goals, regardless of how difficult the situation turns out. And you can relate to some of the choices the characters make. If I was in Jamie Foxx's situation, I think I would have sent the Taxi to it's final destination in the same way (weird, I don't think I saw an airbag go off...)

I say, you should learn the definition of Collateral before you watch this flick. It puts things in perspective when you watch it.

For those of you who don't know...

Collateral - Assets pledged as security for a loan. In the event that a borrower defaults on the terms of a loan, the collateral may be sold, with the proceeds used to satisfy any remaining obligations. High-quality collateral reduces risk to the lender and results in a lower rate of interest on the loan.

The only thing that really annoyed me with the film, were some of the scenes in the beginning where the zoom were so up close and personal, that it blurred things out. I understand it was an effect to keep the "hand held" camera view... but when you're zooming in on someone's license or taxi registration, you'd at least leave it long enough so you can properly see the name on it.

I can't say I liked the ending all that much... it was alright, but I dunno... the movie itself didn't feel as if it had a major climax to it and at the end, I was still waiting for one... It had a few minor climaxtic scenes but I dunno... maybe I'm just not used to drama flicks...

(Oh as always... you can sooo tell what companies movies are sponsored by. This flick only used Motorola mobile phones... not that I specifically took notice... just kinda have an eye for these things... I wonder why... actually... too hungry to wonder... brain just switched off... I think I'll go make something to eat. hehehehe)

(Brain: Food goes in here... (pointing to the mouth)... Nyum: It sure does!)

IMDB Link: http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0369339/

Official Website: http://www.collateral-themovie.com


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