Nyum's Movie Reviews

Monday, July 04, 2005

Old School

Only in America! I tell ya... this sort of stuff only happens in America!!

This was pretty funny! Luke Wilson plays the "godfather" as he starts a fraternity for the old boys! The initiation for the new guys was heaps funny!!

Will Ferrell is pretty cool! And Vince Vaughn was alright. I like how Jeremy Piven played the bad dude. He so suited the role (well, in this movie anyway). He just played the part really well.

But basically, these guys... form a fraternity and it gets vito'd. So they are on a mission to keep it! It's heaps funny to see what they get up to and this movie also has a lot of cameo appearances as well! Not to mention... Elisha Cuthbert is in this!! :)

IMDB Link: http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0302886/


  • hahaha this movie rocked.


    By Blogger Papigiulio, at 10:07 AM  

  • Hahaha!!

    I loved the tranquilizer scene! That was awesome!! hahahaha

    By Blogger Nyum, at 5:48 PM  

  • hahaha true

    "You're crazyyy man, you are crazy, but I like you" :P

    /me searches torrent (A)

    By Blogger Papigiulio, at 10:01 PM  

  • Hahaha!

    Go buy the DVD! It's only $9.95AUD here ;p

    By Blogger Nyum, at 1:15 AM  

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