50 First Dates

The movie was good. It's amazing how this movie played itself out.
The fact that each character in the story went to such extraordinary lengths to maintain a lie was astonishing. I guess it was good that she lived in a small town but even then, when newbies saw things out of place, things blew up!! (Like the cop scene and her car...)
Rob Schnieder is a hillarious side kick. I don't think he's capable of being a serious actor. Some people are just suited for comedy. I loved Drew Barrymore's performance. For someone who could not maintain a short term memory, she held he character extremely well! Every shocked expression, every surprise.
Man, I have to admit, it was good!I have to say, Adam Sandler wasn't bad either. I liked this movie. I liked the way it ended as well. I had heard of an alternative ending and I like the one that they stuck with!
IMDB Link: http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0343660/
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