Nyum's Movie Reviews

Tuesday, November 01, 2005

Picture Perfect

Hmm... I dunno.

Lame? Silly? Superficial? Jennifer Aniston went for a role that just captialised on her looks. I mean... come on... to appear unavailable just to hook up with someone that's the dream of her life so she can appear "naughty" is just silly.

And to think a guy out there would even pretend to be someone's gf to help them with that conquest... that's so dumb! I mean... who would do that to torture themselves? It's self inflicting pain! I dunno... I didn't really like this movie all that much. Jay Mohr was alright but Kevin Bacon really made you want to hit him... It's characters like that that gives guys a bad name.

IMDB Link: http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0119896/


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