Nyum's Movie Reviews

Sunday, May 15, 2005


I liked this movie. Maybe it's because I liked the dance sequence and the music... or maybe it's cause I just like Jessica Alba ;)

The DVD is pretty cool. It's got a hip-hop dance class thing on it that's pretty amusing.

Basically, the movie is about a freelance choreographer who gets picked up at a bar to do help out with the music video industry and end up making it big... until she refuses to sleep with the director and it goes down hill from there. But because she does not want to waste her talent, she tries to get her own studio and gets the community to help her out in a way she only knows how.

Give it a go, it's not that bad. One of those feel good type movies. Just... dance and music orientated.

IMDB Link: http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0322589/


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