Not Anthoer Teen Movie

HAHAHA! I enjoyed this one!
It had fun watching this. I think the USA Working title "Ten Things I hate About Clueless Road Trips When I Can't Hardly Wait To Be Kissed" is the best way to sum up the movie.
It's a spin off on all the movies mentioned in that title and more. What I just realised now is that Mia Kirshner is in this movie! I knew I've seen her from somewhere. She's Jenny from The L Word. Boy is she game now!
I don't know what everyone sees in Jaime Pressly. She's not that fab... but she was pretty funny in this movie! I loved the scene where they were making fun of Bring it On ;)
It's a silly twisted teen flick, but the fact that it pays out all the others, makes it really funny!
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