Nyum's Movie Reviews

Thursday, December 22, 2005


I really really liked this movie!

Kevin Kline is so cool and I have to say, seeing Sigourney Weaver in normal clothes not flighting aliens is alright! Basically, Kline plays a character who looks 100% like the president of the united states, only when the president is out screwing some chick, he has a stroke and well... instead of telling the world what was happening, they get Kline to pretend to be the president.

And well, in the process, he decides to change so much much more and impresses the world with his charity. A really nice feel good movie to watch. But it's not all good and games... when he goes against his advisors... they turn their backs on him and try to take him out. Very interesting how he deals with everything.

IMDB Link: http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0106673/


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