Nyum's Movie Reviews

Sunday, January 22, 2006

Brokeback Mountain

Err.... I really don't know what to say... How they first got together looked more like rape than anything... and I really didn't want to see such things at all... I'm amazed that Heath Ledger and Jake Gyllenhaal were game enough to do something like this... I guess they are comfortable with their own sexuality...

Talking about game... Anne Hathaway and Michelle Williams were both willing to reveal so much. Both topless and I have to say, those things were definitely worth looking at!!

I have to admit, the story was sad... and the scenery was awesome... but I just don't think it's not my thing...

IMDB Link: http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0388795/

Saturday, January 21, 2006

Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire

Hmm... I think it's a little ... cut up... so many holes and so many things left out. They built up several scenes and in the end, only showed the ones that people thought mattered. But it's the adventure that you want to see.

I thought the story and the special effects were alright, but there was just so much that didn't really appeal to me. It was just... less exciting because some scenes were a real let down.

Anyway, give it a go. Maybe the DVD version with the deleted scenes included would be better...

IMDB Link: http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0330373/

Friday, January 20, 2006

Memoirs of a Geisha

Okay, first and foremost, I didn't read the book. And with that said, I actually enjoyed this film. A cross between a documentary and a film where a story was told. It did lack some detail but there's only so much you can fit into the time frame given before it drags.

I used to like Ziyi Zhang quite a bit, but you know, she's only really good looking when she has a certain face on with her hair down... She was good in this movie though. Michelle Yeoh was quite convincing too, but it was strange to see her as a geisha that didn't white out her face. Li Gong was the same, she didn't really white out her face much at all.

And how weird was it seeing Ken Watanabe with hair! LOL!! But I enjoyed the movie. It was interesting. The scenery was good. But there was a lot of holes... it jumped from part to part with a lot unexplained. One thing I commend them on is their Japanese. Everyone spoke with a fluent accent (from what I can tell). It was clear and I understood some of it. But basically, it's about a girl and her life from the moment she was sold... till the moment she made her dreams come true. All the hardships and how she was inspired to be a geisha.

IMDB Link: http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0397535/

Thursday, January 19, 2006

The Matador

LOL! Interesting movie!! Two very different people meet at a bar and before they knew it, they become friends.

Pierce Brosnan plays an assassin who pretty much has no friends and lives out his life single, friendless and banging any young chick he can get his hands on. Greg Kinnear plays a sales man who's marriage is on the vurge of being in really big trouble because he doesn't know if his wife, played by Hope Davis, will stick with him if he doesn't land the job.

But fate brings these two together in a bar and stranger things have happened. Brosnan's laugh was sooo funny. It was a cross between a laugh and a cry. And Davis was coming off as someone who would kill someone herself. LOL! It was weird cause I thought she was going to do something... but nothing really happened... but the ending was good and the movie was weird and I dunno, I like weird movies :P Give it a go!

IMDB Link: http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0365485/

Wednesday, January 18, 2006

Bad News Bears

Hmmm, it wasn't all that good. Billy Bob Thornton was alright, but the whole rat and pest thing was a little disturbing. Greg Kinnear was pretty funny. A jackass but funny.

I thought the whole teaching a lesson thing was pretty poor... and the end when he had a conscience... that wasn't really explained. And the kids just kinda suffered from it. It was really silly. I dunno... the uniforms was hilarious though!!

It's a family movie... but I didn't see how it was all that good for the family to watch... cause it wasn't really all that simple to understand what message he was trying to get across...

IMDB Link: http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0408524/

Tuesday, January 17, 2006

The Producers

I loved it!! It was just so awesome!!

Matthew Broderick and Nathan Lane are fantastic!!! And Uma Thurman was a gem!! And who can forget Will Ferrell!! so convincing!!

Sure, you have to get used to the over acting and the super exaggeration, but it was just fantastic! The music, the antics, I loved everything about it. I saw the broadway version as well and I have to say, they are both equally as good!! I was laughing through the entire thing. I think my cheeks hurt from smiling. But you definitely should see this one!!!

It's about 2 guys wanting to scam the system and make a flop of a musical production in order to keep all the money raised. Interesting to see how things are pulled off! :D

IMDB Link: http://imdb.com/title/tt0395251/

Monday, January 16, 2006

The Man

LOL!! This was pretty funny. Sure, it was a little overly predictable... but it was funny! Samuel L. Jackson was awesome and Eugene Levy is always a crack up! He only has the one acting style, but he's just so damn funny!!

A case of mistaken identity causes the two most unlikely people to team up... to team up. Uncanny. But you can sooo see things happening... like "my bitch" or the going to the recital etc. Although... his potty mouth training might work!

For everytime you say the F word... add "crying out loud" to the end of it. Sooner or later... it'll just end up being "For crying out loud" instead of "F@#$" hehehehe

Give it a go... it's funny but predictable.

IMDB Link: http://imdb.com/title/tt0399327/

Sunday, January 15, 2006


I quite enjoyed this movie. It was interesting. I mean, sure, it was a slow drama, but it was interesting.

Anthony Hopkins was pretty good. Played a very convincing role and Gwyneth Paltrow was awesome. It left you thinking until the moment everything is revealed. It was pretty good. Jake Gyllenhaal was a little annoying... but you know how that gets.

And just so the non-geeky people get it... When the band plays the song "i", "i" is the mathematical term for the square root of negative 1. In otherwords, it's imaginary. They explain it slightly but you might miss it and wonder why they are standing there silent.

I enjoyed it. Give it a go. Basically, it's about a mathematician that passed away who well... in passing... a manuscript is found that solves one of the greatest mathematical puzzles in history. Only... he wasn't the author...

IMDB Link: http://imdb.com/title/tt0377107/

Saturday, January 14, 2006


Okay... before you all think this is some Romantic Comedy... it's not.

It is funny and interesting, but it's more of a drama more than anything. Learning to accept the fact that age could possibly matter. And when you're a well developed person who've established some ground in life, it's hard to adjust to someone who's care free and still experimenting.

What's worse is knowing that your shrink is the mother of the person you are dating! Sounds like a catastrophy doesn't it? Well, Uma Thurman plays the woman dating a younger guy... and man... does she look hot in this movie or what?? Looks like she's lost 10 years off her face!! And her hair!! So nice!!

And then there's Meryl Streep, who plays the protective mother who used her client to get more info into her son's sex life. How twisted is that?? But yeah... it would be hard hearing it too!!

Interesting and bizarre tale of love. But ultimately... things do go sour. Watch what happens!

IMDB Link: http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0387514/

Friday, January 13, 2006

White Noise

Interesting movie. It'll make you second guess any static or crackling noise you hear on your radio or electrical equipment.

It was an alright movie though, wasn't the best because when Michael Keaton's character gets a little outta control, the story starts to get a little dumb. To be obsessed about speaking to the dead is a little beyond my understanding...

And to be so into even after watching people around them die is a little disturbing!

I dunno... you need to see it for yourself and describe... but it's basically a method of talking to the dead through soundwaves and stuff. Apparently it happens in real life and some psychics know how to channel it... but who knows... opens your eyes to something new...

IMDB Link: http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0375210/

Thursday, January 12, 2006

Dirty Deeds

Absolutely silly. Crap even. But hilariously crap.

The story was weak. Just some guy who needs to complete the Dirty Deeds in order ... you know what... I can't even remember!! There weren't all that many jokes in it and it had stereotypes of characters that well... do they exist in our time still? The jocks and stuff... I think everyone has learnt to mingle and blend.

But some of the deeds were out right stupid and some were disgusting... like the bread and the bathroom... omg... and then the guy eating the bread... eiw...

I dunno, it wasn't all that funny. For an american pie type movie to be this bad... I won't even mention the actors names!

IMDB Link: http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0407732/

Wednesday, January 11, 2006

The Bone Collector

I thought this movie was just alright. It wasn't THAT impressive.

The story is about a detective who's paralysed and solves crimes from home... in particular... one case that replicates crimes from the past... in detail... Detective is played by Denzel Washington...

When one of the crimes is discovered by a police man played by Angelina Jolie, Washington sees her potential and trains her or gets her to be his eyes and ears in every new case relating to the same puzzle.

It's an alright movie... you need to watch to see what happens... but I need to warn you... It is rather slow... and feels very long...

IMDB Link: http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0145681/

Tuesday, January 10, 2006

Blast from the Past

I loved it! Christopher Walken is a legend!!

The whole bombshelter, living underground for years, being home schooled... it's so funny. And when they finally surface... they were so shocked and thought everyone mutated. Hahahahaha!! That was so dumb!! But imagine being underground for 35 years!! I'm amazed that they were able to live without sunlight for so long!

Brendan Fraser plays and awesome clueless person and talking about clueless, who can forget Alicia Silverstone. Awesome movie. Loved the chemistry. And when they finally thought everything was normal, so much more happens. You've got to see how this movie turns out :)

IMDB Link: http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0124298/

Monday, January 09, 2006

The Truman Show

Imagine a world where you've been watched by the world without even knowing it?

A paid-for family. A paid-for wife. Someone who you don't really know and doesn't really care about you. What kind of money would you pay an actress to be your wife on TV for years and years? To have never travelled outside your home city... to be given induced trauma about your father leaving... all for what? Ratings?

Jim Carrey plays a character who's been filmed ever since he was born. A new type of reality TV. In a world that was created for you. It's an awesome story to see how he finds out about the world he lives in and then tries to find an answer. To be given hope and then to have it taken away. Only to leave with the parting words... Good morning, and in case I don't see ya, good afternoon, good evening, and good night!

Watch it, it's good! Kinda like a real life bubbleboy... with a much bigger bubble.

IMDB Link: http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0120382/

Sunday, January 08, 2006


Ahh, the story of a divorce gone ugly and kids get involved.

I like Julia Roberts and her role in this movie is of course the young stepmom who has interesting advice like "snow blowing" and well... Susan Sarandon plays the mom who's losing her husband (Ed Harris) to a younger woman. And when she admits defeat, she tries to compete with the other woman for affection when she realises her kids are growing to like her.

I have to admit, the kids play a nice role in the way that they show how devoted to their natural parents they are. But it also shows how they deal with things. It's a nice movie. Mellow... but I think I liked it cause I like Julia Roberts. LOL!

IMDB Link: http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0120686/

Saturday, January 07, 2006

Sliding Doors

A very clever movie!

I really enjoyed this. I think I liked Gwyneth Paltrow with the long hair. But it's interesting. A story well scripted and created showing the life of a woman who got on a train... and the same woman who missed the train by 10 mins.

All the events that occurs and all the "what if's" played out. A movie of love and romance, fate, chance and coincidence... yet... in the end... similar things happen. Kinda like you can't escape your destiny.

But it's a really good movie. Give it a go!

IMDB Link: http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0120148/

Friday, January 06, 2006

Meet Joe Black

Interesting movie about life... and life collection.

Brad Pitt plays Joe Black... a guy who happens to meet Claire Forlani in a coffee shop... only... the moment he leaves, he gets killed crossing the roads. Kinda like watching a ping-pong ball go from side to side. A little un-realistic and very fake looking plastic toy doll mind you... but anyway, he dies and gets re-incarnated as the grim reaper.

Only thing is, he's after her father... who's played by Anthony Hopkins. When Hopkin's father realises what's going on, he makes the most of the remainder of his life and the story revolves around that. It's interesting to see what a man would do when they know they are faced with death. The changes they make and the decisions they make. Quite a good movie.

IMDB Link: http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0119643/

Thursday, January 05, 2006

King Kong

Wow... I loved it. It was so good and so very sad.

Some scenes I didn't agree with. Like that whole insect scene. It was just dragged out far too long. And I didn't quite like Naomi Watts. Everything she did reminded me of Nicole Kidman. The expressions, the movements, everything. And I didn't like how they didn't explain how they managed to drag King Kong onto the boat.

I thought Jack Black played an awesome character. And I loved the T-Rex vs King Kong scenes. You so saw it coming, but that was awesome! And the dinosaurs tumbling like a bad car accident, that was so good!!

And the ending was just so sad. I felt every emotion in this movie. It was just so good. I loved it. It was a good movie. It would have been a super fantastic movie if they got rid of Watts, but you know, I think it worked well for what it's worth. Just a personal dis-preference. But definitely watch this movie!!

IMDB Link: http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0360717/

Wednesday, January 04, 2006

Man of the House

Well, I thought it was going to be stupid, but you know, it wasn't all that bad. 5 Chicks and an over protective cop... you gotta love that. LOL! It's like a new father figure living in a sorority house. Hahaha.

And that dance off between Cedric the Entertainer and Christina Milian and her possy, that was sooo funny!

I loved how Tommy Lee Jones got the girls to help him with his date. Hahahaha. That was funny. Typical stern guy who hasn't been out with women in ages. But it is about dirty cops and when a group of cheerleaders witness a murder... well... they are put into witness protection. It's funny. You should watch it.

IMDB Link: http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0331933/

Tuesday, January 03, 2006


Hmm, what an interesting movie. Yes, it's a little graphic and very very sexually orientated and even partially wrong (in my opinion) but it's interesting to watch.

Basically it's about Sex. That's right. Sex. How to please... how it stimulates... and well... how a male can/might not be 100% hetero. That's right. Some people are 70% or below or higher. It was weird. Even married men. And in this case, the professor himself was not sure. Basically, it was a study on the sexual behavour of men.

So the professor, played by Liam Neeson, sets out to explore what sex means. It's an interesting movie, it's definitely not for everyone... and it is very graphic, so be prepared!

IMDB Link: http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0362269/

Monday, January 02, 2006

Deuce Bigalow - European Gigolo

Hmm, definitely not as funny as the first!

Seeing all those male gigolos was funny though... then there was the asian guy. Hahahaha. And how they all carried fruit in their pants. So dumb!

And to think they'd pass TJ off as a gay gigolo killer. That was just silly. Rob Schneider was funny though, but stupid funny and Eddie Griffin was a little over the top. I dunno, if you like the first movie... don't ruin your image with the second. The girls Deuce has to date... are just as bad if not worse!

IMDB Link: http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0367652/

Sunday, January 01, 2006

Fever Pitch

Hahahaha!! This was pretty funny.

Drew Barrymore is such a good sport! To be like... participating in everything that Jimmy Fallon's character does. But it's scary to know someone that's so devoted to a sport that they would have a collection like that and an obsession like that!! That's kinda scary!!

But I have to admit, it was an enjoyable movie. Basically a girl who is looking for that special someone, after rejecting so many people, finds this baseball crazed person. Only... she finds out after they've dated and well... things get interesting. Especially when she can't get her work done so that she can spend time with him... and that everything revolves around the baseball schedule... kinda scary. But you have to see how they manage through it :)

IMDB Link: http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0332047/