Nyum's Movie Reviews

Monday, October 31, 2005

Men In Black

Hmm, okay, so, this movie was alright, but it wasn't fantastic. I mean, the mind eraser is really cool, but I didn't really like the other parts of this movie...

And I thought the whole exam thing was cool. With the girl and the physics book and him pulling the table up to his chair. I thought that was quite good in showing what they were looking for. But the beginning where he's running all over town and jumping off buildings... seriously... Will Smith was just trying to show off!!

Tommy Lee Jones was rather stiff though, but that's how he acts... the whole saving the world thing and the orion's belt... nah... just didn't really do it for me. It was okay cause the aliens were interesting and some parts were rather funny, but other than that... it was just okay.

IMDB Link: http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0119654/

Sunday, October 30, 2005

Good Will Hunting

Fabulous movie! Althought Ben Affleck isn't all the best, but Matt Damon was fantastic. The duo is inseparable.

But Will Hunting, played by Damon, is an awesome character. A juvi that's gifted in Maths and pretty all facets of education is found out when he solves a mathematical question at a university board in the hallway.

So the Maths lecturer takes him on board under 1 condition... he sees a shrink. Only thing is, all of the shrinks he tries... gets put off big time!! Until Robin Williams gets in. That's when it really starts getting fun!

You definitely need to see this movie!

IMDB Link: http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0119217/

Saturday, October 29, 2005


I love this movie. Two of my favourite actors in the one movie. It's pretty good.

It's a really interesting concept though! Having your face transplanted onto another body. I mean, how weird would that be? To lose your identity and lead someone else's life.

It's an awesome movie and the action scenes were awesome. Definitely recommend it. John Travolta and Nicolas Cage were both fantastic. What's really cool is that each of them have to play each other when their faces are swapped so seeing how versitile both actors are is just amazing. Undercover agent vs Criminal at large. Time old story, but fantastically done!

IMDB Link: http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0119094/

Friday, October 28, 2005

Cool Runnings

Hahaha, what a classic! A Jamacain Bobsled team! I loved it when they first got to the snow and they were literally freezing!

And what was with a lucky egg. That's got to be silly :D. To be honest, it was one of the most interesting things though, to turn a set of 4 really good track runners into bobsledders. I mean, normally, you wouldn't think about it like that at all, but it was good.

Sure there was a lot in this movie, like breaking away from heritage, racism and a whole bunch of other stuff, but it was still entertaining! John Candy is a legend.

IMDB Link: http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0106611/

Thursday, October 27, 2005

Conspiracy Theory

Loved it. It was rather fun. I think I even tried the whole bottle on top of the doornob thing at home one time. (Of course I just used a hard plastic bottle, it was for effect rather than noise... as a test :D)

Anyway, Mel Gibson is awesome. And Julia Roberts was pretty good too. It was kinda interesting though. How the brain works... where you get brain washed into doing certain things and after it's all over, they wipe your memory, yet, there's always some traces and leads you back to what you've done and when that day comes, they try and hunt you down and kill you.

To be constantly monitored, that has to be freaky! It's a good movie that has Gibson doing all sorts of weird things and stakeouts and stuff. Not good for the paranoid though! :D But a good movie to watch!

IMDB Link: http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0118883/

Wednesday, October 26, 2005

Con Air

I liked this movie! Basically, a plane that was to transport convicts is hijacked along the way... by the passengers onboard... yes... that means by the convicts. Now, being transported from a maximum security prison kinda makes you wonder how in the world did they manage to do that? Well, you need to watch and find out.

Thing they don't know is, there's a Ex US Ranger on board played by Nicolas Cage.

It's a really enjoyable movie. Watch it and see for yourself!
IMDB Link: http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0118880/

Tuesday, October 25, 2005

Coming to America

I love it. Another great movie where two talented actors plays more than one role.

Eddie Murphy and Arsenio Hall are awesome! I love this movie! "Bark like a Dog!" "Hope on one leg!" Hahahaha!!!

Basically, Murphy's character is a prince and instead of committing to the arranged marriage his father has set up, he goes in search of his own bride. And where else to look but in "Queens" in America. But because he's never done anything for himself, not even tying his own shoelaces, he finds himself a little lost.

So he starts off small and makes his way up a fast food chain, and falls in love with Shari Headley. What happens next? Well, you need to see how he manages to court her... especially since she's already taken!

IMDB Link: http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0094898/

Monday, October 24, 2005

Big Business

Well, what a classic movie!

Bette Midler and Lily Tomlin are geniuses! It was really interesting to see them play 2 totally different parts. I thought the combination was awesome.

You have to admit, for an old movie, it was quite entertaining. Basically, two twins gets mixed up at birth and well, they lead two very different lives. One is brought up in the city and the other is brought up in the country.

And when the little country town is in danger of closure, the girls go into the city to see if they can lobby the demolishing. But once there, because the two that lives in the city is so well known, they get mixed up and everything gets out of hand. Give it a go :D

IMDB Link: http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0094739/

Sunday, October 23, 2005


Hmm, okay, this movie wasn't good at all. Rather, it was quite bad, no, I dunno, it was... alright. Most of the movie was silly and I have to admit, the special effects were just mediocre. I like the first person view though, that I thought was pretty cool.

I didn't quite like Karl Urban and Rosamund Pike looks sooooo different that she wasn't suited to be his sister. The Rock was alright, but man, how stubborn did he get. I found it strange that he didn't mutate all that fast.

The storyline was a little weak. Especially since they said it only chose certain people etc. Funny how a person who was so into religion, could be a donor that was modified in a way to be evil. That was silly. Of ALL the people that would have gotten infected of some sort, none of them were "good" so to speak, then again you can argue that it's because it chose the carriers.

I dunno, watch and see for yourself, just don't expect anything!

IMDB Link: http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0419706/

Saturday, October 22, 2005

Into the Blue

Hmm, the movie was alright. It was interesting, in parts, but man, how obvious was the camera views? They were zooming directly into Jessica Alba's butt. I mean, man, who would have thought they would be so blunt with the views! Not that I'm complaining. :P

I did think it was weird that the set up was the way it was. There were just too many twists that wasn't all that... good.

The beginning was slow though, but towards the end, it got faster and good. Paul Walker was pretty cool, it didn't explain a few things towards the end as to how he got to certain places... but it's all good. Scott Caan was pretty funny. I thought it was weird that his arm was fine after it was crushed by that cannon.

And well, Ashley Scott has actually worked with Jessica Alba before. So I guess it was good to see them together again ;p (They worked together in Dark Angel)

IMDB Link: http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0378109/

Friday, October 21, 2005

Kindergarten Cop

I love this movie. It's so awesome. I thought it was hilarious!! Arnold Schwarzenegger is awesome!

Man, it's one of those movies where you can watch it over and over again and never get sick about it.

Basically a cop goes under cover as a kindergarten teacher to basically find out where the mother of a child is... or who for that matter because a criminal is on the loose and is after his money. But when the cop gets sick from food poisoning, her partner has to cover and he has absolutely no teaching experience. Hilarious to watch!! One of my favourite old time movies :)

IMDB Link: http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0099938

Thursday, October 20, 2005

Independence Day

Well, hmmm... I dunno, mixed opinions!!

The special effects were awesome for it's time but the story.. well... was so so. Bill Pullman was a good president... and Jeff Goldblum was good as a wacky scientist. I thought Will Smith was pretty good as a pilot too. But the story was just... I dunno... a little weird.

Vivica A. Fox was hot though. I mean, sure, you don't see her all that much, but when you do, she's damn fine!! And I thought Randy Quaid was pretty funny.

I thought the aliens looked alright, for aliens. I mean, normally, they all look the same. But it was alright. If you like Will Smith and his macho-ness and the way he does things, you might really enjoy this movie. Otherwise, it's good for the special effects :)

IMDB Link: http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0116629/

Wednesday, October 19, 2005

Happy Gilmore

Happy land! Go to your happy land!! Your happy place!! LOL!!

Adam Sandler was pretty good! It was hilarious!! Jack ass!! :P I couldn't stand Shooter McGavin... played by Christopher McDonald. He annoys the crap out of me!! In any role!! But this one more so!!

Julie Bowen looked really good though!! And who would have thought Ben Stiller had a cameo appearance in this... as the nurse at the nursing home. LOL! It was pretty funny!! It's a silly movie about a guy who wanted to be a hockey player and ended up as a golfer ;p Go figure!

IMDB Link: http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0116483/

Tuesday, October 18, 2005

Hudson Hawk

Ah, I love this movie. Bruce Willis was awesome!! Andie MacDowell was a little annoying, but still, it was good. Danny Aiello was pretty good too.

One person I definitely couldn't stand was Sandra Bernhard!! Her voice and stuff was so damn annoying!!

But this movie was awesome!! The adventure was cool! Basically, it's a story about a famous cat burgler and what he does for money... but in this case... what he's blackmailed into doing ;p Oh, And I loved the music. Definitely worth watching!! ;)

IMDB Link: http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0102070/

Monday, October 17, 2005

The Lizzie McGuire Movie

Okay, the movie wasn't all that great, but I have to admit, I like Hilary Duff a lot. She opens up the screen and makes every moment a happy one. I liked it :D

The story was weak where they went overseas and she runs into a person that looks exactly like her, only, she's a famous singer. And this new guy... a ... "Paolo"... takes a liking to her... but for what reason? Well, you just have to watch and find out!!

But man, seeing her as a brunette... pretty good!! :D

IMDB Link: http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0306841/

Sunday, October 16, 2005

Herbie: Fully Loaded

Hmm... they killed the heart and soul of this movie. They bastardised Herbie. He used to be great, but the special effects and the engine getting that zoom in etc... i mean... sure, it was alright looking, but I dunno, I thought it was a little lame.

And as if that car can do the things that it did. Geeez, even with a new engine and all, I doubt it's aerodynamics.

I can't say I like Lindsay Lohan all that much and Matt Dillon is a loser most of the time. He always plays a jackass in his movies. Breckin Meyer was alright though. Michael Keaton looked so old. It was so different. But I thought he was pretty cool.

I mean, okay, it was kinda fun, but still... it was crap. I think Justin Long was funny though ;p

IMDB Link: http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0400497/

Saturday, October 15, 2005


OMG, this movie sucked!! Firstly, it was just silly. Josh Lucas was pretty good though. I was quite disappointed with Jamie Foxx. I mean, i'm going to ruin it, but they killed him off really early! And what's worse, they tried to make him into someone that's full of hypothesis and it wasn't hip at all!

I thought Jessica Biel was pretty good, but man, it was stoopid that a trained sniper could not take her out, instead, only got her wounded. That was dumb! I mean, seriously, you took someone down... they get back up, take the second shot and disable them altogether!

And the robot plane, how stupid... sure it's cool, but the whole thing was stupid. I thought this movie was just crap. The special effects were cool, but the story was crap.

IMDB Link: http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0382992/

Friday, October 14, 2005


Haha, well, it was funny, but not that funny. Ben Stiller was a crack up and when Drew Barrymore accidentally shot him... hahahaha. That was hilarious!!

Basically, they had the perfect home... well... more like... they found the perfect house... except... it has a tennant. And because it's a duplex, you can't get rid of her. You have to wait till she dies. So... there they are, living with the granny from hell...

So... they try to get rid of her. It's hilarious what they get up to, but at the same time, some parts are just sooo weird! I like the twists. But you have to see it for yourself!! :D

IMDB Link: http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0266489/

Thursday, October 13, 2005

The Shawshank Redemption

Fantastic movie! Absolutely fantastic! It's one of those feel good movies but man was it awesome!

Tim Robbins and Morgan Freeman were so fantastic! How awesome was this story. I think this is one of my all time favourite movies.

Just seeing his story and how he managed to escape prison life, how he stood for what he believed in and how his innocence was true. The things he stood for and the planning that went into everything. Simply Amazing. It was quite sad in some sections I have to admit, but it was a fantastic story. Definitely one to watch!

IMDB Link: http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0111161/

Wednesday, October 12, 2005

There's Something About Mary

Hahahaha! Hilarious!!

The Hair Gel killed me!! :D Ben Stiller was hilarious and man, I couldn't believe how many times the F word was used!! Cameron Diaz looked alright. But man, the granny and her boobs were horrible!!!

Even though I can't stand both Matt Dillon and Lee Evans, I thought they were the perfect two to have in the movie as bastards.

It was pretty good and it was pretty funny as well. Had me in stitches for a while! And then there's the famous lines... like... "we've got a bleeder!!!!" LOL!! That was hilarious! You should definitely watch this movie if you're in need of a cheer up or a good laugh! :)

IMDB Link: http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0129387/

Tuesday, October 11, 2005

Transporter 2

Okay, story wise, it was crap, action wise, it was good to watch, how it all turned out... well... it was a little too over the top and a little too far fetched. If you were to watch it purely for entertainment purposes and to see good stunts etc, then this one is for you.

Jason Statham was like... indestructable. He jumps off high buildings, crashes, falls into cars and dent them, yet he doesn't feel the pain, or doesn't show any sign of pain. His kungfu and stuff was bloody smooth though. Most of his stunts looked really good.

Amber Valletta looked good though. And Kate Nauta, she looked alright. Though, I'm interested in seeing her without the black eye shadow etc. She might actually look really good. But she did have one heck of a body!!

Just remember, this movie is kinda a brain dead one... purely because in the end, everything works out so it doesn't matter what happens in between because it's so far fetched and they don't explain everything anyway.

IMDB Link: http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0388482/

Monday, October 10, 2005

The Perfect Man

I thought this was okay. It was weird seeing Heather Locklear again. It's been so long since I've seen her in a movie.

But I thought this movie was a little lame. I mean, sure, I really like Hilary Duff, and she was pretty good in this movie, but damn, it could have been a little more less cheezy. Some parts were quite lame and stuff like that. Like the whole perfect man thing was silly. I did like how it was Chris Noth though. You kinda think of him as the perfect man from SATC. LOL!

Anyway, it's a chick flick. Mainly about running away from your problems and a mother/daughter thing.

IMDB Link: http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0380623/

Sunday, October 09, 2005


Ah well. It was okay. It wasn't all that bad, but it wasn't all that good either. Nicole Kidman was really good. And man, she really does the nose twitch down pat. But for some reason, Will Ferrell, wasn't as funny as he normally is.

Shirley MacLaine was a little annoying. Just her look freaks me out. But Michael Caine was so smooth.

This movie was alright, the story was just okay... it wasn't really special or anything so it was just a little disappointing. I didn't like Nicole's character all that much. She was too blonde... yes... as in stoooooopid!! I kinda wished she wasn't as dumb or clueless, even though they did explain it.

IMDB Link: http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0374536/

Saturday, October 08, 2005


Wow, a 3hr epic tale of the woman with the heart of the ocean. I thought it was a beautiful story. A nice way to portray what happened. Leonardo DiCaprio was pretty darn good! Kate Winslet was also fantastic! I mean, wow, nice... you know what I mean ;p

Billy Zane was annoying, but the perfect villian. I thought the music, the scenery and eveyrthing was just awesome! I thought that everything was set perfectly. From the china, to the silverware, to the clothing and everything just matched the era.

It was a brilliant movie. A definite must see.

IMDB Link: http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0120338/

Friday, October 07, 2005


I love this movie! I thought it was pretty darn good! Helen Hunt was awesome! And I loved her crew of people. They all had a good mix of personalities. Bill Paxton was pretty cool too.

I have to admit, I couldn't stand Cary Elwes in this movie. I mean, fair enough, he was set out the play the bad guy, but I just didn't like him at all!!

Basically, this movie was about a guy who was pretty much a legendary "twister" chaser until he gave it all up to pursue something else. And when he came back into town one day to get his wife to sign the divorce papers so that he could move on with his life away from twisters, they all come chasing after him as if he was destined to be there.

Awesome special effects! I love this sort of disaster movie. And the cows. LOL! That was pretty funny. I didn't really like Dorothy or anything, cause it was dead ugly... but hey, I guess it was designed like that. But it was definitely sponsored by Pepsi!! :P

IMDB Link: http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0117998/

Thursday, October 06, 2005

Welcome to the Jungle

Hahaha! I love it! Seann William Scott is so fantastic! He's hilarious!! I thought he was awesome in this role. The Rock was also really good! When he got hammered by those guys in the jungle... hahaha. Man those dudes packed a punch!!

Christopher Walken was also really good!! Man I like this guy! He's just awesome! I thought the whole story was pretty good. I loved that fruit that they ate... hahahaha, that was good. I need to get me some of those!! It would be good to use on people :D And it was a nice ending!! Hehehehe!

IMDB Link: http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0327850/

Wednesday, October 05, 2005

True Lies

Ah, I love this movie!! It's so good. I have to admit, Jamie Lee Curtis was so good in the bedroom scene!! It was hiliarious!! I loved it!! "Do it slowly!" Hahahaha!!

Arnold Schwarzeneger was brilliant!! And who would have thought that the daughter was Eliza Dushku!! Tom Arnold was pretty funny too! Like when he was being shot and he stood behind that poll. So funny!

But basically, it was the story of a secret agent who keeps his personal and business lives separate. It just goes to show you it ain't possible!! :P She finds out eventually and if you can't beat them... join them!

IMDB Link: http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0111503/

Tuesday, October 04, 2005

While You Were Sleeping

Ah, it was one of those chick flicks that leaves you feeling warm and fuzzy.

I think this was when I first noticed Sandra Bullock. She was actually pretty good looking in this film. But I don't see what she sees in Peter Gallagher... how can he be like... "the most beautiful guy" that she knows... that was just silly.

Bill Pullman was pretty cool. He did look a little clueless but that was the point. Though, Sandra's neighbours were a little disturbing. I mean, a lot can happen in love, and this goes to show that you that what you want... isn't always what you get.

IMDB Link: http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0114924/

Monday, October 03, 2005

The Upside of Anger

Okay, it's a chick flick, but it wasn't all that bad. I loved the scene where the head exploded. Yes, a head exploded. I didn't think that you would see something like that in this type of movie, but it happened!!

Kevin Costner was cool. He was drunk the majority of the movie, but he was cool. Joan Allen just looked so thin it was disgusting. Keri Russell looked really good though, and when she was pissed off and did a ballet spin, she looked like such a fruitloop! LOL!

What I didn't like about this movie was how it kinda ended. Or where it didn't end. It should have ended after the wedding and all, but instead, it had to end with a funeral. I just thought it made it really sad and it wasn't really needed. Yes, there was the question of where the person was throughout the movie, but I just didn't like that part. The rest of the movie was quite entertaining to watch.

IMDB Link: http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0365885/

Sunday, October 02, 2005

Kicking & Screaming

Hahaha. So funny. Will Ferrell is a crack up. I can't believe he went to certain lengths to win. I loved the fact that Robert Duvall was in this. Perfect person to play the father role. I loved the scene when the both of them were playing ball on the string in the back yard. So damn funny.

I thought the kids were pretty cool with everything. But when they were screaming "pass to the Itallians" at one point, I found that REALLY weird. I just didn't think that it was something to typecast to kids or you know... scream out like that. It was just wrong.

But the movie itself was pretty funny. And that suit he wore at the end. Hilarious!! Basically, father and son go up against each other as they are both coaches of little soccer league teams. Funniest part is in the beginning, when the father remarries. Hahaha.

IMDB Link: http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0384642/

Saturday, October 01, 2005


Fantastic Movie.

Even though it's slow, it's so good. I loved how everything came together. You wondered where everything was leading and when it all came through at the end, it was just so damn good!!!

Bruce Willis and Samuel L. Jackson was so damn fantastic. I loved this movie so much. Everything from the character names to the description of everything and how the characteristics of each character was described. Beautiful. Even the weaknesses and everything. I loved it.

IMDB Link: http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0217869/