Kate & Leopold
One of those science meets romance movies. It was nice. I liked it. Maybe it's cause I really like Meg Ryan for some strange reason. Hugh Jackman was rather charming I have to admit... maybe we should all try speaking with an english accent and see how well we do ;p
Oh, that and we have to be very eloquent.
Basically, Stuart (played by Liev Schreiber) travels back in time through something that he discovered and on the way back to present day, a tag along came with him, Leopold (played by Hugh Jackman).
Now whilst Leopold is trying to adapt, he meets Kate (played by Meg Ryan) who happens to be Stuart's ex... and of course... they hit it off... after a while. But whilst he's here in the present future... history starts to change and they have to find a way to send him back.
It's a good movie. I liked it. Give it a shot ;)
IMDB Link: http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0035423/
Ali G - In Da House
Okay, so this is one of those super stupid movies. But if you're an Ali G fan... you'd watch it for the sake of watching it ;)
For a guy who's white but thinks he's black, he's doing really well for himself! Sacha Baron Cohen is awesome. He's so quick and witty. Maybe he just wanted a shorter name ;)
It is a stupid funny movie and you have to watch some of his TV shows to understand what he's on about half the time, but it's good. Aiiiiight!
IMDB Link: http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0284837/
Ah, one of my favourite Disney movies before Disney went all weird with art and adopted a half western half asian drawing style with squarish looks and a lotta angles.
This movie was fantastic. I loved it. The music was good. The story for it's time was good. And the voice characters were perfect! Robin Williams made the movie though. If it wasn't for his voice and the way he execute things, I don't think it would have been as good.
But what really got me... was the singing voice of Jasmine... who was Lea Salonga. She's got such a beautiful voice. It's so sweet and harmonic. You can listen to it for days on end and still feel soothed.
Anyway... definitely a DVD worth buying. ;)
IMDB Link: http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0103639/
100 Girls
Yes I know... rather old movie... but hey... I haven't posted in a while so I'm just going through my DVD collection and writing reviews.
I liked this movie. It was funny. Basically, a guy enters a female dorm and with a twist of fate, finds himself having sex in an elevator and falls in love. Problem is... the power was out and he couldn't see who she was. She was covered by a laundry basket when he entered.
So what does he do? He goes over to the dorm and tries to find out who the mystery chick is. Even if it meant going through 100 chick's room. He had to dress up as a chick at one point. It was funny. His room mate was totally bizarre! It's a teen flick... rather silly, but quite funny.
IMDB Link: http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0214388/
I have to admit. It was crap. It was all over the place. There were holes everywhere and they didn't explain enough. There weren't than many fight scenes and it was just a general disappointment!
I like Jennifer Garner though. But that outfit made her look very beefy. I do have to admit one thing. The special effects in this movie was pretty cool. It was very artistic to see the leaves fall and form a circle of dead leaves. And the Tattoo guy. The special effects around him were awesome.
I couldn't believe that a they couldn't find someone with better Chinese Calligraphy to do the words on the back of the robes. The ones they had on looked so amature and so kiddy like. It was definitely not traditional calligraphy or was it good calligraphy to begin with!
The ending of the movie was disappointing too. It was just a little too silly.
I would only watch it if you had a thing for Jennifer Garner. (Or if you're a Marvel Fan...)
IMDB Link: http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0357277/
Meet the Fockers
Gaylord Focker!!!!!!!
It was okay. It definitely wasn't the best and the first part of the movie made me feel a little awkward for some strange reason. Can't really put my finger on it, but something felt weird about this movie.
I like Robert De Niro and Ben Stiller. They are funny. I don't think I liked Barbra Streisand at all. I think she should retire already! Dustin Hoffman did do a nice job though. I reckon it would have been heaps funny with Ben Stiller's real dad. That would have been a crack up!
I loved how they brought back Owen Wilson as well. That was pretty cool. The names were awesome. Some of his relo's had awesome Focker names if you pick it up ;)
Give it a go. It's definitely not better than the first, but it's something to watch.
IMDB Link: http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0290002/
Just Visiting
Well, this was a rather humourous movie.
It wasn't the best, it was just an average movie, but it doesn't fall on bad. It does have some issues where you question the plot or the storyline, but it was entertaining.
I have a thing for Bridgette Wilson Sampras, only, with this movie... she didn't look all that good. And I don't know, I think I'm finally over Christina Applegate. Tara Reid did look really good though!
Of course, when anything involves time travel, you think, when they go back, the future should be changed. But some how or another, it doesn't. So I guess that's where the flaw is if you're a science freak ;)
IMDB Link: http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0189192/
Miss Congeniality 2 - Armed and Fabulous
Well, what can I say? Actually, I really don't know.
This is a perfect example of why sequels should not be made. It wasn't bad, but it wasn't better than the first for sure! Some parts were very very draggy and I don't know. I don't think it was all that funny.
The most disappointing part was that the bloopers in the end... weren't funny!! That's right! There were outakes and stuff during the credits, but some were rather lame.
I say, DVD it. It's probably better than watching it at the cinema. You might be able to watch in 2x when it gets too slow...
IMDB Link: http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0385307/
Anger Management
Wow, what some doctors do to help people with Anger issues! That was bloody amazing! I liked this movie a lot!!
I'm not about to use the safe word though. Not that I have Anger Management issues.
I like Adam Sandler and Jack Nickolson. It was a pretty good movie. The ending did throw me a little. I didn't see it coming for a while and when it came, it was good.
Definitely give it a shot. You might even start using the word ;)
IMDB Link: http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0305224/
I Spy
This movie was heaps funny. I liked it alot
Owen Wilson and Eddie Murphy are heaps good comedians. I did think that Eddie Murphy was a little over the top in some scenes, but that's just typical Eddie.
I like the gadgets! They were heaps cool. Sometimes, movies like these makes you wonder if those gadgets really exist or not. These movies are hard to talk about because so much happens. But, one scene I loved... was a scene where Eddie is like... singing and getting Owen to say it out to pick up a chick ;p
IMDB Link: http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0297181/
Juwanna Mann
You wanna man? Hahahaha.
An NBA basketball player gets kicked out of the league, and the only way for him to continue... is to pretend to be a woman and play in the Women's basketball league.
The fact that his physic was small enough to be in the women's basketball league... has something to say about him doesn't it! But it was funny. Hahaha. Reminded me of those typical boy pretend to be girl movies... very cliche, but funny ;)
IMDB Link: http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0247444/
Barbershop 2 - Back in Business
Hehehe. Well, it's interesting when you watch sequels so close together. You really feel as if it was one long ass movie. But to be honest, this one wasn't as good as the first. It was on par, but just not as good.
This movie was a little all over the place with the story line and stuff. It was trying to go into the history of a few characters and at the same time it didn't really raise the significance in it all. Some scenes had absolutely no place in the movie.
It was cool how they managed to get the majority (if not all) of the old crew back. But this movie really felt like it was made to tie up a few loose ends in the first movie and to show that the characters had a bit more to them than just what was shown in the first.
It was funny though, so give it a go if you liked the first.
IMDB Link: http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0337579/
After the Sunset
You know, this wasn't all that bad.
I was thinking it's another Pierce Brosnan movie that's going to suck, but it turned out to be alright. I think it was Woody Harrelson that made the movie for me though because I don't quite fancy Salma Hayek.
Brosnan and Hayek are renouned diamond thieves but they retire 1 diamond too early. During retirement, they are found by the FBI, but because they have no jurisdiction there, they try to get him to steal one more time.
It's an action flick with comedy. I liked it. Give it a shot. Oh, the movie world is full of coincidences... Troy Garity was in this movie too... and I just watched him in Barbershop!
IMDB Link: http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0367479/
I've said it before and I'll say it again. I like black comedies.
I liked this movie. I like how there's always a cliche character like Isaac (played by Troy Garity) who's white but thinks he's black, then there's the smart black guy, Jimmy (played by Sean Patrick Thomas) who thinks he's all that and knows everything. There's a whole lot more but I can't be bothered going through all of them.
But I liked it. It was funny. I think the person that kept me entertained the most was Anthony Anderson. He's a crack up.
Main storyline, Calvin (played by Ice Cube) was handed down a Barbershop from is father and after 2 yrs of trying those "get rick quick" schemes, he finds himself in debt and needs to sell the shop in order to get money. But when he does, he realises he's made a mistake and tries to get it back.
Sometimes I wish there were some Barbershops like that here in Australia... cause it would be a damned fun place to go.
IMDB Link: http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0303714/
Doing Hard Time
Garbage. Total Garbage.
I mean, they tried to cover their flaws, but it wasn't all that good. A lot of backside nude scenes that were a little unnecessary.
The ending was weird, being "friends" so to speak after they almost kill each other to death. Not shooting someone cause of pride... hiding the gun in the wall... AS IF you can't tell from the different paint job!
I didn't like it at all. I found it boring and stupid.
Basically, Michael (played by Boris Kodjoe) goes into jail to take revenge for the death of his son. Two thieves/drug dealers get into a fire frenzy and Michael's son gets caught in the cross fire and dies. After not being convicted of murder, Michael finds the verdict hard to accept so he takes matters into his own hands. He bashes a cop up to get into jail (ha! same jail... geeez) so he can take revenge on the person that killed his son.
You can probably already pick up the flaws...
IMDB Link: http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0427166/
Office Space
I love this movie. I remember when I first watched it a few years ago and man, it was damn funny.
Maybe it's cause I can relate to it so damn much, but it's just so good. There are moments when there are parts that drag just a little, but the majority of the film is gold!
If you're IT savy, you'll probably know exactly what it means.
Quick rundown... Peter (played by Ron Livingston - you may remember him as Berger from Sex and the City) is sick of his job and his boss. One day, he goes to see a hypnotheropist who tries to relax him and just before the end of his treatment... he dies. So he's stuck in a state of tranquility and it leads him to do all sorts of stuff. You just have to watch and find out!
IMDB Link: http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0151804/
Be Cool

I have to say, I liked how the movie started. I guess there are a lot of movies that start off this way where they are tell you how a movie should be done and do it at the same time. Relate it to what's really happening. To those who didn't get it... (yes, spoiler ahead)... the movie that's made... is the movie that the guy in the beginning wanted to make. As in, Be Cool itself is the movie that the guy wanted to make. Some parts of the movie was very very draggy. the other parts were rather cool. The Rock was probably the best character. He really saved the movie. Vince Vaughn annoyed the crap out of me with his Black talk... geez! I mean... that was just wrong. Christina Milian was hot! I like her music as well. That was pretty nice. A little weird seeing Aerosmith play again, but it was cool.John Travolta was cool. Seeing him dance with Uma Thurman reminded me of Pulp Fiction ;) Just make sure you watch Get Shorty first ;)IMDB Link: http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0377471/
Fat Albert

Disappointed!! I think if I hear "Hey hey hey" one more time... I'll kill someone!!
Man... I watched this movie for the nostalgia... but when certain things get overused... it becomes really sad! Sure this movie was really aimed for kids, but there were things in this that were just poor.
The acting wasn't all that good... some parts were rather dumb... but the animation was pretty neat! The whole tear drop thing was sucky. I didn't like that at all. Very cheesy! I'm quite sick of Omarion Grandberry too... I didn't like Kenan Thompson's voice that he used to be Fat Albert... and I bet the only reason why Dumb Donald took off his hat, was so that Marques Houston can get some screen time. (Omarion and Marques are both from B2K... the boy band...)
Though, the ending was alright. I liked how Bill Crosby made an appearance, and the now and then shot of the people that inspired the characters... that was good. But the movie in general was pretty poor.
I guess you can watch it for a little bit... but the music wasn't all that good... the songs weren't done too well... some things should not be modified or movified.
IMDB Link: http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0396592/
Miss Congeniality
Ah yes... the classic. I saw this on TV and thought, meh, I don't have a review for it yet, might as well.
I enjoyed it. It was rather funny. Sandra Bullock really did look aweful dressed as a tomboy. You have to admit a few things though... they seriously could have chosen better candidates. Some of the candidates didn't look all that hot at all! Sorry Miss Texas... but you weren't hot...
Michael Caine has come a long way. I was so used to see him in freaky movies that it's weird seeing him in a comedy. Same goes for a few other actors but this worked out really well for him. The sequel to this movie is coming out soon. So be sure to watch this one ;)
IMDB Link: http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0212346/
Vampires Anonymous
How do you know when you have what it takes to become a crytic? When you can sit through the entire screening of such garbage!!!
I was tempted to turn it off... thinking... this isn't leading anywhere. But I gave it a chance. It failed. Completely bored me to tears. The story was crap, the acting wasn't all that good and it was generally just very very sucky!
What's it about? Basically, it's like shopper's anonymous, only for vampires. A self help program with steps to help them cure their urges for blood. And instead of human blood, they kill sheep or whatnot. Any sort of animal really. It's stupid.
Don't rent it. Don't buy it. It's just a horrible C-Grade movie with nothing going for it.
IMDB Link: http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0197996/
The God of Cookery
Yeah, I'm digging up old movies to review lately (mainly cause I haven't had time to watch many new ones and these DVDs are just sitting at home and I can have it running in the background as I do things), but this movie is awesome!
It's so damn funny! I love Stephen Chow movies. It's slapstick comedy, but it's awesome. His older stuff is good cause he's really witty. I think this must be the first movie he's done with Karen Mok. What I like about his movies is that he tends to always re-use as much of the old casts as possible. Those actors follow him around through most of his movies. It's fantastic.
This one is pretty good. Sure, some parts are lame, but man, it's good. Too bad the english translations can never really give the true meaning behind the comedy, but sometimes, I'm sure you can just watch and laugh. Definitely have to watch this one ;)
IMDB Link: http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0116426/
Get Shorty
Yes, this is a rather old flick, but in anticipation for Be Cool, I had to watch this movie, and I have to say, I enjoyed it!
John Travolta is fantastic!! And boy did he look young! I was so impressed by the expressions on his face for all the crutial moments. He's such a brilliant actor!
I loved the how the movie was being made as the events happened. It was awesome. Sure there are holes like "how come the police didn't..." and "why didn't they..." etc... but it was an unpolished script. It was good. I liked it. Now I just hope Be Cool is just as good ;) I'll be seeing that in a week when it's out in the cinema's here ;)
IMDB Link: http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0113161/
Spiderman 2
I liked it. I have to say, I really liked it. Yes yes, this review would be heaps late, seeing as I've seen this movie ages ago, but hey, I'm just updating my movie blogs ;p
Anyway, I would say that this flick is on par with the first. The special effects were good. It had a good combination of action and comedy. I really liked it.
I think Kirsten Dunst is slowly growing onto me... but I'm a little over Tobey Maguire. Especially since one of the other characters in the movie looked a little too much like him. I can't really picture him as a decent super hero...
Anyway, watch it. It's pretty good!
IMDB Link: http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0316654/
You Stupid Man
Well, this movie was okay. It definitely had it's moments, but it's nothing to brag about. Some parts got rather boring and it did drag just a little.
Basically, David Krumholtz plays a guy who just doesn't get it and just doesn't see how things work when it comes to relationships. He gets screwed over by Denise Richards and then finds Milla Jovovich as someone he can talk to as a friend, but doesn't see what's really developing.
So he finds himself in a mess. Typical love story type situation...
If it weren't for the cast, I wouldn't have watched this film. But it's not a comedy... if that's what you were looking for!
IMDB Link: http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0271882/
She Hate Me

Totally bizarre movie! Well... it is a Spike Lee movie!
In short, a guy who worked for a firm, gets fired due to accusations of being involved with some sort of scam after a work mate committs suicide, then finds his money and assets completely frozen and ends up being a high class baby maker (a gigalo if you want to call it that). Well, he wasn't exactly involved, but he did raise issues with authorities stating the company was working under unethical terms and was fired for that... complicated issue.
Anyway, he gets $10000 for every woman he manages to get pregnant. He needed the money and his ex-fiancee kinda talked him into it. 18 women. That's a lot of money. At one point, it felt like a porn flick. Because, it didn't talk about his case at all. It went on for an entire hour, just about his sex life and not about his issues.
And finally at the end of the flick, the issues gets resolved through court.
I dunno, the whole "ethics" thing was an interesting theme, but the story itself was a little bizarre. If something like that really did happen... those 19 kids when they grow up... I hope they don't end up dating each other... because... they technically come from the same blood line!
IMDB Link: http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0384533/
You know... this was actually a pretty good movie. It's definitely a guy's flick.
Basically, it tells the story of a guy called Alfie (played by Jude Law) who's pretty much... a player. He's got a fear of commitment in a way. It does teach you how to... be a player! but no... I don't think it'll work... unless chicks are really that gullible!
But ultimately, players end up in trouble and yes, that's exactly where Alfie found himself. You have to admit, in the end, it was a little sad... but I guess it's a well lesson learnt!
Watch it, I'm sure you'll enjoy it ;)
IMDB Link: http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0375173/
Employee of the Month

I like Steve Zahn. I think he plays funny characters. He's just got this weird look to him that makes him really comedic. Though, this movie wasn't exactly all that funny. It had a lot of cursing in it. People just shouting out profanities all day long. I don't think it's all that necessary at all!
The story ended with so many twists. But it didn't really save the movie. The movie was just... borderlining on okay. Some parts made you think it was just dragging on and on and on. I didn't really like Matt Dillon at all. It was just boring. And who would have thought you'd see Andrea Bendewald. I last recall seeing her on Suddenly Susan. But she wasn't that good anyway.
Oh well, I guess some parts of this movie was funny and some parts just extremely weird, but all in all, it wasn't all that good. Watch it if you're bored... OH... when you think it's all over... just watch a little longer as the credits show a bit. It will show a little more and explain everything at the end. Kinda fills up the holes... but man... it's a movie of Karma!
IMDB Link: http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0362590/
Flight of the Phoenix

This was a surprising movie. It wasn't all that bad actually. I expected it to be horrible. I didn't think the story was all that good but it wasn't bad. The twist however, was entertaining. ;)
The Chinese actors they hired must be just random people off the streets because man, their Cantonese was so bad. Like... come on... everyone knows that if you are entering China, they speak Mandarin! So, for them to substitute the desert nomads with Cantonese speaking people, and poor speaking at that... was just bad taste.
Giovanni Ribisi's accent irritated me throughout the movie. I didn't like it at all. But he played the bastard role very very well! What I found really interesting was that, whilst they were in the desert, everytime they ran back into the plane for cover, the wind just happens to be blowing in the direction of the plane such that it's not blowing into the open end of it. Taking cover in a metal shelter where one end is completely open doesn't really help!
And I think this movie did aim for some product placement. If a person has a Sony-Ericsson P800, why in the world would they need the additional Palm Pilot... The P800 is a palm like device!
Oh... the ending... well... the whole aspect of the thing was a little weird, especially with the way the rest of the crew was positioned on the plane in the end...
Anyway, give it a shot. You may enjoy it.
IMDB Link: http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0377062/
Scary Movie 3
Well... they just had to make a 3rd movie. But I tell ya, sometimes, they just crack me up! The whole Michael Jackson thing and Eminem thing was so damn funny!
Some of the other stuff was a little stupid, but most of it was really funny. Anna Faris is so funny. She's just made for comedy! I don't think I can watch her in a serious flick.
Anyway, watch this... even if it's just for the Michael Jackson scene. That was so funny!!
IMDB Link: http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0306047/
You Got Served
Hmm... what a dud movie. The storyline was so pathetic. And the acting was heaps poor, but what this movie did have... was flare!
Man were those dance moves hot! I couldn't believe what some of the guys were capable of doing! It was awesome to see. Too bad the movie was so crap in terms of plot and stuff.
If you're into break dancing and hip hop dancing... I say, check this movie out. Because what they get up to, is bloody fantastic... oh... prepared to be bored by the story line though... so... maybe fast forward all the non-dancing parts ;)
IMDB Link: http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0365957/
An Evening With Kevin Smith
I loved it! I absolutely loved it! Man, this was so funny! I couldn't believe how funny this was.
Kevin Smith is a legend. He's so witty. I have no idea how he comes up with his stuff so fast! If only I could dispute people as fast as he could come up with a witty comment, that would just be awesome!
If you've seen Kevin Smith's films, you definitely need to watch this! He talks about all his films and his experiences and answers questions the audience has regarding his choices as a director. It's just fantastic. If you don't have time to watch it, I say, put it on audio and listen to it! It's worth watching/listening!
IMDB Link: http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0346952/