Nyum's Movie Reviews

Monday, February 28, 2005

Win a Date with Tad Hamilton!

Ah yes, the classic tale of the "boy next door" trying to show he can beat the "celebrity". Yes... sure you can!

Basically, a small town school girl goes in the draw to win a date with a celebrity who's pretty much doing it all for good publicity. Kate Bosworth, who plays Rosalee, gets swept off her feet by Josh Duhamel who plays Tad Hamilton. Poor Topher Grace who plays the boy who doesn't get the second glance Pete, finds himself in a situation where he's unable to tell Rosalee how he truely feels and ends up helping Tad win her heart.

Wacky combination of characters and a pretty funny storyline. Definitely a chick's flick, but still really funny to watch. I reckon Kate Bosworth is hot. I liked her in Blue Crush as well ;)

IMDB Link: http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0335559/

Sunday, February 27, 2005

In Good Company

Everytime I see Topher Grace, I can't help but think of That 70's Show. The way he talks and presents himself is very much the same in all the other movies I've seen him in. That goes for this one too.

It was an alright movie. Funny at times, but yes, it is a drama after all. Some parts of the story didn't really go anywhere. The whole Teddy K thing was just silly. And come on, surely the buying and selling of companies doesn't happen like that over night! It was almost instantaneous when things went awkward.

Scarlett Johansson was alright. Her role wasn't all that big, but come on... junior tennis champion... not wanting to go pro... that's a little bizarre. Then again, she didn't really show much form in this movie, rather, they took the comedic side to it all. Dennis Quaid is getting old, but he still has it in him. I liked his character in this movie.

I say, give this movie a go. It was alright. It did remind me a little of something else... just can't put my finger on it.

IMDB Link: http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0385267/

Saturday, February 26, 2005

Sky Captain and the World of Tomorrow

Interesting movie. I liked how the whole movie was done in the half-tone colouring.

I think Gwyneth Paltrow was the perfect person to use for this film. I really liked her character. Sassy ;) And her look was just right! Jude Law wasn't bad, but I don't really like him at all. And of course, there's Angelina Jolie... too bad her role in this movie was really small. I didn't like the accent she put on either. So I guess it evens it up a bit.

The story was okay. Some parts were a little weak. But I did like the whole 1960's feel meets the year 2050 kinda thing. Classic science fiction with classic designed robots ;) And for some reason, you always get to see a cow in these type of movies!

I say give the movie a try. It's got a nice ending. ;)

IMDB Link: http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0346156/

Friday, February 25, 2005

Resident Evil - Apocalypse

Hmm... I haven't actually seen the first movie, so I don't know if this is tied in anyway, and I haven't really played the game either.

But this movie was just one of those typical action flicks. It was alright. The chicks sure knew how to fight! Milla Jovovich was pretty good. A very slick mover. Her actions were quite fluid and her movements were stylish. She's got good poses, but then again, it's good camera work ;)

I dunno, the movie wasn't that bad, but it wasn't good either.

IMDB Link: http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0318627/

Thursday, February 24, 2005

I, Robot

A yes, a movie completely about product placement. Every few seconds you see a close up of some brand name that has a buy in of the movie. Will Smith was a walking endorsement for a heap of brands.

The movie itself was okay. It was entertaining. But there were a lot of things I found really stupid. If I had a mechanical arm, I would use it so often... especially in life or death situations!

You have to admit, the special effects were pretty cool. I didn't really like the car though, the wheels were just... a little too much for me! And even though a lot of people didn't really like Bridget Moynahan, I'll still always remember her as the New York Bitch from Coyote Ugly!

Oh, the ending of this movie doesn't really answer much... so... if you're a little confused by it... it's normal.

IMDB Link: http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0343818/

Wednesday, February 23, 2005

Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban

One of the darker Harry Potter movies. It's not bad.

It's interesting to see how old everyone has gotten. The spells and special effects have gone up a notch, but it's still a typical Harry Potter movie.

If you are into the books, give this one a go. There isn't much to say really. I enjoyed it. It was entertaining. But this one did make you think a lot more than the other movies.

IMDB Link: http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0304141/

Tuesday, February 22, 2005

The Whole Ten Yards

I like proper sequels. What do I mean by proper? When they managed to get 90% of the original cast back. Most sequels these days don't have that. But now, because the public likes to see the old cast, they tend to bring them all back ;)

I liked this movie. I thought it was wacky and funny. The twists were heaps good. And seeing Bruce Willis the way he was during the first part of the movie. That was pretty funny. I didn't like it better than the first though, the first was definitely better, but this was still good.

There really wasn't too much of a storyline, but it was very interesting to see how they reused a character they killed off in the first movie as a different character in the second, but it totally made sense ;)

Anyway, give it a shot. I know IMDB rates it poorly, but you may enjoy it.

IMDB Link: http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0327247/

Monday, February 21, 2005

Kill Bill 2

Oh wow! So much better than the first one!!!

This one was humourous. The first one was a little grotesque and if it wasn't for go-go, I don't think I would have liked the first one. But the second one, completely different pace!

Gordon Liu made the movie. His character, Pai Mai, was hillarious!

You have to watch this film even if you disliked the first because this one totally makes up for it. If you watch them back to back, it's like a bad beginning with a good ending!

With the way things ended, people do suspect an actual sequel rather than another volume. But you have to watch and see! It's good!

IMDB Link: http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0378194/

Sunday, February 20, 2005

Starsky &Hutch

Hahaha. Why can't I interview cheerleaders like that?!?!

Ben Stiller and Owen Wilson are a good couple. They've done heaps of movies together but they are all so damn funny! The outakes for this movie is heaps good as well!

Snoop Dogg is sooo damn thin!! Man, he just looked so damn weird!! I liked his role though. It was funny. It makes me want to watch the original TV series to get the complete feel of it all.

Oh, Vince Vaughn was also bloody awesome! Man, it's an awesome cast for this movie!

I loved the slap stick comedy. It was just so good. I liked it. Give it a try! I think you'll enjoy it!

IMDB Link: http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0335438/

Saturday, February 19, 2005

Shrek 2

Absolutely Awesome!!

You need to get this on DVD. The DVD contains bloopers and various other special features. Like "Far Far Away Idol". hahaha. They even animated Simon from American Idol!

The animation in this movie was at a new level for Dreamworks. The hair and the movement was so fluid! Everything looked so crisp and clear! (Yes, the Hair movement. Hahahaha. Love that scene!)

The story was awesome as well. I love how they always make fun of Pinnochio! I love how they make so much fun of Disney stuff. It's awesome. You have to get this on DVD!! It's just awesome!

IMDB Link: http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0298148/

Friday, February 18, 2005

King Arthur

Hmm. the movie itself wasn't too bad.

I think this was an alright role for Clive Owen, but I don't think he can really pull off any other movie. He's very... rigid and stiff.

Keria Knightley did look awesome in body paint! Hubba hubba hubba!!

I liked the effects in this movie, the ice scene, the whole movie was alright. choreographed really well. The story is typical King Arthur stuff, but from a much different perspective. (Thankfully not from a perspective like Alexander!)

This is worth watching at least once.

IMDB Link: http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0349683/

Thursday, February 17, 2005

Super Size Me!

I'm sooooo not eating Maccers!! Omg... sure, this guy took it to an extreme by having it day in day out... but even then, they show the most disgusting things about the food.

I can't believe they took footage of his vomit!!

It almost invoked chain puking with the people I was watching it with. Thank god it didn't!! But after that movie, it was funny how the Maccers in Australia came up with all the flyers and stuff about how it's wrong and how they don't have super sizing and that they now use breast meat only in the nuggets and stuff like that.

There's also a whole bunch of other stuff they are doing right now to re-build their name... I didn't eat maccers for like 2-3mths. And even now, I haven't had it in a while. Only when absolutely desperate! Thank goodness there isn't a maccers where I work now! (Though, some of the Happy Meal Toys are awesome!)

IMDB Link: http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0390521/

Wednesday, February 16, 2005

White Chicks

Hahaha. This was funny. Sure it was bloody stupid, and they looked nothing like the people they were pretending to be, maybe even a little taller! But it was heaps funny!

The Wayans brothers have a funny bone in them to always do these sorts of silly movies.

Basically, 2 white chicks are to attend a ball, and they are worried something would happen to them so the FBI send out 2 agents to protect them. However, something goes wrong and the sisters end up not making an appearance. What happens? The FBI agents decide to impersonate them and attend the ball as usual to capture the kidnappers.

The break dancing scene was really funny. But come on, as if you couldn't tell they were guys!!!

IMDB Link: http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0381707/

Tuesday, February 15, 2005

Van Helsing

Why why why?!?!?! Why did you have to ruin your good image like that?!? This was the worst possible role for Hugh Jackman. I thought the movie was utter Garbage!

I like Kate Beckinsale, but she can't maintain an accent if her life depended on it. It kept fading in and out throughout the movie.

The special effects weren't all that great. It was a bunch of C-Grade actors with 2 good stars and man, it just wasn't anything special. I didn't like it at all.

Don't waste your time on it.

IMDB Link: http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0338526/

Monday, February 14, 2005

13 Going on 30 (Suddenly 30)

I dunno, I liked and disliked this movie.

I know it's meant to be a fairytale type story, but the way it ended... or how it got there almost felt as if it was another one of those "dream" type sequences. You can argue it though... because it did leave it very open. I disliked how it ended, or well... 10mins before it ended and how it got there.

But other than the ending, the movie was really funny. I liked the twists and the discoveries and how Jennifer Garner maintained a 13yr old attitude throughout the movie. But man, Jennifer Garner is hot.

I liked the music through the movie as well ;) Especially the dance scene, that was rather fun.

It's a charming movie with a fairytale ending. Chick flick yes, but a good perve!

IMDB Link: http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0337563/

Sunday, February 13, 2005

Walking Tall

I really liked this movie. I thought that The Rock really pulled it off. Johnny Knoxville was heaps good as well.

I loved how he used a wooden log to get his way instead of a gun. That was classic. Basically, an Army Special Forces officer returns back to his hometown in the rural parts of the USA to basically chill and be with family.

Turns out the town has gone to the trash and he's there to be the new sherrif in town to clean things up. How he does it? With a wooden log. It's heaps entertaining! Give it a go!

IMDB Link: http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0351977/

Saturday, February 12, 2005


Hmm, I have mixed opinions about this movie. I thought it was both crap and good. Maybe it's cause I could relate the movie with the schooling and the brainwashing... the constant praying... omg... did my high school make you pray way too often!

Anyway, that a side, I think the plot and the story was very cliche. But they did manage to pull it off.

I didn't think I would see Macaulay Culkin in another movie, but he was alright.

I say, watch it and give your own opinion. It's a wacked out Christian fundamentalist movie putting faith to the test. Mandy Moore plays the all time goody two shoes, but she pulls it off well.

IMDB Link: http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0332375/

Friday, February 11, 2005

Finding Neverland

It was an excellent film. It's slow, so you need to feel the movie rather than watch it. It's a story of belief, imagination and death. Takes a little while to get into, but it does end up being a really soothing story.

Watching this heps you understand how people uses different types of muses to invent new stories. It was interesting to see how he came up with the story of Peter Pan, and how he used orphans in the theatre to create the atmosphere that he desired to truely transcend his play to what he imagined it could do.

Johnny Depp is a fine actor, as with Kate Winslet. It's not the "fairytale" story you would be looking for if you were looking for something for your kids to watch, rather, it's much more adult. If you are curious as to what inspired James Matthew Barrie to write Peter Pan or how he did it, this is an excellent movie to watch. But remember, it is a little slow, so it's not for everyone.

IMDB Link: http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0308644/

Thursday, February 10, 2005

The Last Ride

I have to say, Dennis Hopper still has it. It wasn't a strenuous role or anything, but he's still a good actor.

I liked this movie, sure it was a movie length Pontiac GTO commercial, but it was good. The car was nice as well. It's got personality.

Basically, the story is about a ex con getting released on parole, looking to set things right with his past. To fix things with his family. Good racing scenes. A lot of car shots. Sooo commercial like. But it's worth watching.

IMDB Link: http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0402336/

Wednesday, February 09, 2005

Soul Plane

Okay... this was a ridiculous movie. It was funny and had very humorous parts in it, but man, was it ridiculous.

As if half the stuff that they did on the plan was even possible! Though... I still enjoyed it.

I loved the send ups and stuff they had, and the classic "black" type of characters. Yes, it is a black movie. There are white guys in it but... very few... but enough to make it really funny! There's even an Arab!!

It's black humour. If you like black movies, you'll probably enjoy it. If you hate it, you'll probably just give it like a 1/10 or something. Embrace in all sorts of movies ;p

IMDB Link: http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0367085/

Tuesday, February 08, 2005

Dude, Where's the Party?

(Also known as Where's the Party Yaar?)

Heh, this movie was so stupid that it was rather funny. It basically talked about Indians being racists to other Indians... only... the other Indians were FOBs...

There were a lot of weird scenes and you really have to get used to Indian music to get through the flick, but Kal Penn sure makes it funny.

I say, give it a go, it's bizarre, but you might find it funny.

IMDB Link: http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0306228/

Monday, February 07, 2005

Raise Your Voice

Okay... I admit... this wasn't all that good. I watched it for Hillary Duff... but I think after this movie, I've lost my thing for her as well.

The music was good, but the storyline was kinda... crap. Some of the acting was very very weak, there weren't that much character building in this movie at all and yeah... like she can get over her fears that easily.

Though, it was amazing to see such talented musicians. I guess that was the main bonus of the movie. The musicians were fantastic.

Some parts of the movie were really bad. Like the travelling back to the desert and getting there before her Dad did... I mean... as if. (especially if it looked as if there was only 1 road getting to the place and there's no way she would have gotten there without being seen!)

Anyway, watch it for the music if anything.

IMDB Link: http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0361696/

Sunday, February 06, 2005

Raising Helen

Hmmm... what to say about this flick... I really don't know.

I sat there watching it thinking, I've seen this before. It reminded me of a lot of other movies that told the same tale. Parents dies in horrible car crash, kids orphaned, left with aunty to take care of, but aunty is incompetent!

Then again, it wasn't too bad. John Corbett should have had a bigger role. He would have probably saved the movie. Then again, he was a pastor... yet... there wasn't much of a steamy relationship between him and Helen (played by Kate Hudson)

I say... give it a go... you might enjoy it... if not... watch it with a chick, it'll bring out the maternal instincts within them and you might get lucky ;p

IMDB Link: http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0350028/

Saturday, February 05, 2005

Taking Lives

Oh this was so good!! Just the beginning of this movie is riviting. What that kid does... unbelievable.

The twists and the plots in all this... so good. And yes, Angelina Jolie did look rather hot in this movie. Even though I don't really like her all that much, I have to say, some scenes... oooh yeah.

The story was good. The casting was good. Basically, a serial killer assumes the identity of his victims everytime he needs to relocate. So the cops tries to hunt him down and things start to happen.

I reckon you should watch it. Some scenes aren't good for people with weak stomachs...

IMDB Link: http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0364045/

Friday, February 04, 2005


Okay, this movie isn't for everybody. I really liked this movie, despite the rating on IMDB.

The characters were interesting, and even though the movie dragged a little in the middle, it was there to build up the whole feeling and atmosphere of the characters. The twist was good, but those of you who've watched other Samuel L. Jackson movies, may recall him being the same character in a movie that i'll give away in the comments if you ask for it.

Basically, Jessica (played by Ashley Judd) is a police officer who gets promoted to inspector after her excellent work on the field. However, there are complications. She likes to drink to calm her down due to some incidents that happened in the past.

Everytime she drinks at home by herself, she manages to get so drunk she knocks herself out. Problem is, when she wakes up, she finds herself in a weird position, usually surrounded by blood. She also has a thing for one night stands...

What happens? You'll need to watch ;p

I say it's good. Give it a go. You may enjoy it.

IMDB Link: http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0315297/

Thursday, February 03, 2005

The Prince & Me

Ah yes, one of those fairytale stories. Why did I watch it? I like Julia Stiles. There's something quirky about her... makes things fun.

The movie was alright. Typical fairytale type stories. He's a prince, he comes and acts as a commoner, falls in love, she finds out that he's been lying to her, have a fight, get back together, parents get in the way.

It's the generic plot for most fairytales, but it's watchable. I did like how the prince had to learn to become a commoner and learn how to do things on his own. No matter much that is over done, it's still funny seeing someone do something for the first time.

IMDB Link: http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0337697/

Wednesday, February 02, 2005


Er.... okay...... this was one 3hr long gay movie.

I didn't like it. I understand now why they didn't get a big buff guy to play Alexander, it's cause they wanted to show him progressively getting bigger... not that Colin Farrell ended up all that buff anyway.

I think they totally bastardised the entire historical event and turned it into a gay movie... but in all fairness, they were all bi back then... so who cares??!?! Focus on what happened and let it be that! Screw the love life of the all so powerful.

If you want to be bored for 3hrs straight, or like seeing 2 guys get it on... watch this flick.

IMDB Link: http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0346491/

Tuesday, February 01, 2005

Bride & Prejudice

What utter crap! Over the top Indian movie. Too much singing and dancing.

Sure sure, this is Indian culture, but there were things that were just over the top. I liked Bend it Like Beckham a whole lot better. I guess if you were Indian, you may enjoy the movie because, well, you can probably relate.

But it was just a movie full of c-grade actors with a boring story.

IMDB Link: http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0361411/