Nyum's Movie Reviews

Monday, January 31, 2005


Disappointing! For a movie with such rave reviews, it wasn't all that good. The characters weren't that interesting. And at times, it was really depressing and boring.

There were some really funny moments in this movie though, and that's probably what saved it from being a total disaster to "just okay".

Basically, two friends Miles (played by Paul Giamatti) and Jack, go on a road trip to before Jack (played by Thomas Haden Church) gets married. They go wine tasting at the local vineyards where they meet two women who they are interested in.

Then the drama begins as Jack hooks up with one of the girls. Story is rather boring... but some people appear to like it... so... give it a go and decide.

IMDB Link: http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0375063

Sunday, January 30, 2005

National Lampoon's Gold Diggers

HAHAHAHA!!! Oh man, I was in stitches!! This was so dumb that it was just so damn funny!!

The stuff that the two losers got up to were just so funny! And the two women... EIWWWW, but HAHAHAHA!!!

Basically, it's about two guys, who just can't get their act together, and they decide to become petty thieves. They end up trying to steal from these 2 women who end up bailing them out of jail to try and use them for insurance fraud by marrying them, giving them life insurance and killing them.

Though, things didn't go as planned. Instead, something most strange happened! You just have to watch and find out ;)

IMDB Link: http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0376717/

Saturday, January 29, 2005

A Love Song for Bobby Long

What a beautifully crafted movie, and a beautiful story!! Yes, it's a drama, and a good one at that! The characters were all very unique. Everyone had a part to play and they all played it to perfection. It was very weird seeing John Travolta with white hair and generally looking really old and run down...

Basically, it's about a girl, Pursy (played by Scarlett Johansson) who finds out her mother had died and goes back to her home town to attend the funeral. Only, she finds that she missed it and she's entiled to a house that was in her will. Unfortunately, she wasn't given all the correct information and she lives out her life according to what she's been told, until she finds out the truth.

In the meantime, she has to put up with two drunks that stays in the house with her, who have a history that's to be told during the story. It's a nice story. I recommend you watch it and see what happens.

IMDB Link: http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0369672

Friday, January 28, 2005

Ladder 49

What a sad story. The movie was alright. It wasn't spectacular, or anything, just plain alright. It went through the lives of fire fighters and what their families go through.

There were a lot of technical faults in the movie that made it less believable. Like when they were talking on the radios, most of the time, the main actors didn't say "copy that" or "over" at the end. It's not a two-way... it's a one-way... they need to send the command over that the line was finished.

But the people in the background who were probably real fire fighters were speaking correctly. I dunno, I just picked up a lot. I liked how they flashed back and told us the story behind the fire fighters, but the movie was just okay. No real stand out performances...

IMDB Link: http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0349710

Thursday, January 27, 2005

Johnson Family Vacation

Man, this was a dud movie. There were some parts that were entertaining, but most of it was just utter crap!

Yes, it's a black movie, and it doesn't appeal to everyone... even Shannon Elizabeth couldn't pull the movie out of the hole it was in. It's about the Johnson's going to a family reunion and they all compete to be favourites... with a song and dance at the end... It was just lame.

Vanessa Williams
is getting old. She should find better roles to be in that this (or maybe go back to singing...)

I dunno, judge for yourself. Some people might find it funny. But most parts were just annoying.

IMDB Link: http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0359517/

Wednesday, January 26, 2005

Mr 3000

I enjoyed this flick, no, not because it was a black movie, but it was just quite enjoyable. I think I like sport flicks.

This movie was cool. It did feel like watching an entire season of baseball complete with interviews and stuff all at once, but with just the good parts left in. Kinda like watching a sports review show and seeing the highlights. But I liked the story behind it as well.

Mr 3000, Stan Ross (played by Bernie Mac) hit his 3000th ball and retired from professional baseball. Left his team and opened up several businesses. After 9 years go by, and Baseball management were looking to put him into the baseball hall of fame, they realised that there was a miscount and he only had 2997 hits. He was 3 short.

Not wanting to be cheated of his title, he gets back into fitness, and through some help, was placed back on the team to see if he can achieve his goal. Does he do it? Watch and find out! It is a nice story though! A good story about team work as well!

Angella Bassett was as cut as ever! She looked like she was in peak condition to run a marathon. I don't think I've ever seen her with sloppy arms or anything!

Anyway, give it a go. It was quite entertaining ;)

IMDB Link: http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0339412

Tuesday, January 25, 2005

Shall We Dance?

Er... I prefer not to!

It's a typical J. Lo film. She's the victim, or someone who's gone through traumatic stress, and she's trying to find her way. Even though, she isn't actually the man star of the film! Richard Gere is the main character who's trying to find a little bit of happiness in his life.

He's captivated by J. Lo as he sees her through a window and decides to take dance lessons. Things lead to another, he's at a state competition for amateurs... okay... right... The storyline was weak. The plot was poor. The characters weren't all that interesting.

I liked the toilet scene. It was funny. Hahaha. The dance competition wasn't all that bad either. It had me going there for a bit, just the enthusiasm and the feeling of competition kept me watching a little. But other than that... er... nup. They didn't explain where the "son" came from... maybe they did and I missed it, but I don't think so... And the wife had her own problems.

And what sort of bizarre warm up exercises were they doing?!?! Richard Gere's face looked really plastic as well... I dunno... watch it if you've got nothing else to do. It was watchable, wasn't good... wasn't THAT bad... just... watchable. (cause the support characters were funny!)

IMDB Link: http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0358135/

Monday, January 24, 2005

The Assassination of Richard Nixon

This movie was fantastic! After you finish watching it, you're kinda left with the thoughts of Sam (played by Sean Penn) in your head. Sean Penn is a fantastic actor. You feel his pain throughout the movie through his emotions and his delivery.

I think everything was executed in a marvelous way. The desperation and the depression, everything was just done so well. For a person with such high moral values, to do what he attempted, was an act of desperation.

You really feel sorry for the guy after all that he's been through. Oh, he didn't actually assassinate Richard Nixon, so if you're looking a historical film that talks about it, I recommend you find another. This movie was really just based on a man who was driven too far.

IMDB Link: http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0364961/

Sunday, January 23, 2005

Team America - World Police

Hahahaha!! This was funny. Not as funny as the Southpark movie, but definitely something to watch!

I loved all the puns they used and the most bizarre analogies, but it all worked pretty well. The wacky songs and stuff was really funny as well!! It's a movie about terrorism and peace. World Police type stuff ;p

Can't say much about the choice of actors as dumbass villans, but at least the dummy models looked really good! Also, the string fight scenes were hillarious!! You definitely need to watch this for a good laugh ;)

IMDB Link: http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0372588/

Saturday, January 22, 2005


Absolutely fantastic!! It showed the story of his life and how things were to be blind and taken advantaged of. How people treated him and how he would not be cheated by others.

It showed us how hard his life was and the things he suffered as an adult and as a child. How his mother toughened him and gave him courage.

Jamie Foxx was fantastic. His movements and the way he talked, it was so much alike the real Ray Charles. He's almost a splitting image of him as well! The little habits and way his performances were executed was so similar that you sometimes thought they replaced current film with historical footage for the scene.

The movie showed how people rebelled against his music but he kept on playing. It was beautiful. The story of Ray Charles was a sad one, but his overwhelming accomplishments and achievements is definitely something to remember him by. I definitely recommend you to watch it.

IMDB Link: http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0350258

Friday, January 21, 2005


Hmm, this movie was very much alike The Fast and the Furious, but on bikes instead of in 4s cars.

Though, I didn't hate this movie. I liked the angles that it filmed the races in and how they showed the back of a motor cycle spinning off etc. It was pretty cool. But other than the effects, there isn't much to say about the flick at all.

I think they just copied way too many films and some stuff you would think should never have happened, because, those things just don't happen in real life (even with bikeys!) I dunno, the movie was good for the effects and that's it. The storyline kinda sucked.

IMDB Link: http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0329691/

Thursday, January 20, 2005

Mean Girls

Hahaha. Yes, yes, I certainly agree! Girls can be bloody mean when it comes to wanting to be "popular".

It was a bloody popularity contest to see who could be liked the best. It was damn funny though and the casting wasn't that bad either. But you have to admit, these types of movies don't require much acting skills, cause you just have to pretend to be a teeny bopper with personal problems.

It was fun to watch, but that's about that. Sure it's got one of those "morals" type of theme to it in the background, but that's about it. Just... Watch it for fun ;)

IMDB Link: http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0377092/

Wednesday, January 19, 2005


Man this movie was weird, but I liked it for all the wrong reasons! Seeing Natalie Portman (Alice)as a stripper was well worth it! I don't think I like Jude Law (Dan) at all. I don't see what's so good about him. Frankly, he annoyed me.

I really liked Julia Roberts (Anna). I can't help it. I've always liked her. I think her character was alright, but this whole movie was really weird. As for Clive Owen (Larry), well... I can't say I was impressed. He seamt so stiff! His acting ability was just poor. I don't think he can lead a movie. It looked as if he was struggling to play his role cause his speech was so staggered.

Anyway, what is this movie about? It's about being close to each other. Dan and Alice met each other through an accident, and after about a year of dating, Dan meets Anna through a job. They kinda hit it off, but Anna doesn't want Dan to leave Alice cause she doesn't do these things so Dan plays a prank and manages to find a stranger, Larry, to pick up Anna in the weirdest way, it worked. So Larry and Anna date, and get married but Anna and Dan end up having an affair and so much more happens after! It's very dramatic, so watch it if you're into dramas!

It's interesting to see what happens. It's very... adult themed so I would recommend mature people to watch it, because they talk about sex A LOT! Oh, one thing to note, keep an eye out for Alice at the Strip Joint, hubba hubba hubba! And keep an eye out for the internet chatting sequence. LOL!

IMDB Link: http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0376541

Official Website: http://www.sonypictures.com/movies/closer/

Tuesday, January 18, 2005

The Aviator

It was a little hard getting through the first 30mins of this film. Mainly cause I just don't think I was all that interested. But after you get past it, it started to get really good.

Leonardo DiCaprio doesn't seem to age. I don't know why, but he looked so damn young in this film. I reckon he can still play the part of a teenager on one of those drama series like The OC or something. But DiCaprio's portrayal of Howard Hughes was brilliant.

I can't say I was into history all that much, but with this telling the story of a historical person, you learn a lot. This man knew how to take a risk. He gambled it all and it paid off. What a marvellous effort! Such passion!

Basically, it's a historic tale of how Howard Hughes faught for his beliefs in aviation, and won! Definitely worth the watch. (Though, I have to warn you, you may get annoyed with Cate Blanchett's accent... cause I know it annoyed the living hell out of me!)

(P.S. Here's another interesting fact, the immediate movie prior to The Aviator that Leonardo DiCaprio starred in was Catch Me If You Can, a film also about flying and also has Pan Am Airways in it. Interesting huh?)

IMDB Link: http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0338751/

Official Website: http://www.miramax.com/aviator/

Monday, January 17, 2005


Honestly, I was surprised. This was actually a pretty good movie. Adam Sandler can really do serious films and not just comedies.

Tea Leoni's character wasn't bad either. At times I didn't like how she cried so much. She looked so damn awful. The jogging scenes were a little weird. I think she was yelling out "left" all the time but I wasn't 100% sure. But she was so damn insecure about everything, but played it really well!

Paz Vega was pretty convincing. Her facial expressions and her emotions looked so good. But Shelbie Bruce, who plays her daughter, was so damn good. Every translation, and mimicing the emotion and tone. It was fantastic. And to be so fluent in both langauges (not that I can tell, but she sounded good) was an amazing feat.

It was a good movie. One of those moving ones that teaches you to remember who you are.

IMDB Link: http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0371246/

Official Website: http://www.sonypictures.com/movies/spanglish/

Sunday, January 16, 2005

Jersey Girl

Yet another Ben Affleck movie.

It was okay... I wished Jay and Silent Bob appeared in the movie in some form or another, just to make it funny, but no... I guess they didn't. The movie itself wasn't too bad. It was about fatherhood to say the least. How much is a father willing to sacrifice to take care of his own child when the mother has passed away?

It was fun to see how he handled certain situations that he was not familar with. And watching how the whole break down happened was rather amuzing. I liked how Kevin Smith reuses the same few actors over and over again. And the cameo appearances were pretty funny.

Overall, it wasn't bad. I recommend you watch it. Maybe skip the first 10mins so you don't see J.Lo... but after that, it's all good ;p

IMDB Link: http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0300051

Saturday, January 15, 2005

New York Minute

I never thought I'd watch an Olsen Twins movie but this was actually quite enjoyable.

Eugene Levy made the movie. He's such a classically funny character. I liked how they made both the twins so different in terms of likes and dislikes. It was quite fun.

It was designed to be a little over the top in terms of the plot and the coincidences, but it worked out for the best. Fun movie, who would have thought you'd see them like this after Full House ;p

IMDB Link: http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0363282/

Friday, January 14, 2005

Kung Fu Hustle

Yes, another Steven Chow movie.

He's done better, that's for sure. But this was still enjoyable. Sure there were lots of parts that were just unrealistic and some parts were overly poor in acting, but that's the typical movie he makes. I can't say this was better than Shaolin Soccer, but man, it's pretty much got the same cast ;) That was pretty funny in itself!

The story line for this movie was a little weak. And the entire movie was a hybrid. There were traces of both Mandarin and Cantonese. Mainly because all the actors spoke in their native tongues. He's adapted a lot of special effects into his movie, and with this one, he's even copied a lot of stuff. You can picture yourself going "Hello, Mr Anderson" at one point.

And yes, it wouldn't be a Steven Chow movie without at least 1 gay person and 1 chick with really really big teeth!!!

What's it about? It's about a guy who once tried to be good, but found that good leads you no where so he tries to join the local gang. Where does the kung fu come in? Well, you'll have to watch and see ;)

IMDB Link: http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0373074/

Official Website: http://www.kungfuhustle.com

Thursday, January 13, 2005

Million Dollar Baby

This was such a good movie. Man, it made me cry! The story was so good.

Hilary Swank was awesome. Her performance was just fantastic. The training she would have gone through for this movie would have been immense! Her character and her expressions, it was just awesome.

As for Clint Eastwood, I don't think I'll ever get used to that husky voice. Morgan Freeman was good. I love how he's the narrator for the story. Not many people can pull it off and make the movie feel good. There's just something to his voice that's rather soothing and just suits the tone of the movie.

The movie itself deals with a lot of issues relating to both sport and life. Things like taking a chance and believing in someone. There are many other issues but I'd rather not say cause it'll spoil the movie. You kinda just have to watch it. It is a sad movie though, I didn't expect that. But it's definitely worth the watch!

IMDB Link: http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0405159

Wednesday, January 12, 2005

First Daughter

Yeah, I guess this was a chick flick as well. But I liked it. Katie Holmes is gorgeous. (okay, yes, she's the reason why I watched it!)

The movie itself talks about how difficult life is when you are surrounded by secret service everyday and have people watching your every movement. Typical things happen. Like most other movies like this one, the storyline was pretty much the same. She's growing up, wants to be normal... come to think of it... this movie is very much alike Chasing Liberty (and according to IMDB, this was also called First Daughter), only, Mandy Moore had much more fun in that flick!

Michael Keaton looked soooo old. Man, to think he was once Batman, that was soooo long ago!

One other thing I liked about this movie was the music. It had good music. I can't complain about the "blonde" dance that Katie Holmes performed either. Give it a go. It's got one of those really heart warming, fuzzy feelings to it.

IMDB Link: http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0361620

Tuesday, January 11, 2005

Pinocchio 3000

It's a completely CG'd movie. The animation was quite fluid. Some of the machines didn't look all that good and the humans, well, I thought they were bionic at one point and only part human.

It's the same classic tale of Pinocchio, complete with Whale. Just no cricket. But there are a few differences (obviously) and it's all set out in the year 3000 or so where everything is technology based.

All robots and stuff. It's pretty cool. And yes, he does turn into a Real Boy... it wouldn't be a Pinocchio story if it didn't happen.

But good work to the animators!

IMDB Link: http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0332318/

Monday, January 10, 2005

The Forgotten

Well, the story was a little weak. Cause they left to be like a whole conspiracy thing.

The story is about a woman played by Julianne Moore who loses her son to a plane crash. Each day she tries to go on, trying to not think about her lost son but it's hard. Then one day, when she wakes up and her husband has gone to work, she realises that everything that reminds her of her son, has disappeared from her house.

Her psychiatrist says that she's never had a son before and her husband tells her that she had a miscarriage and this was all apart of some post traumatic stress. But she denies it and believes that she definitely had a son, so she goes in search for answers.

The way it ends... well... I thought it was an ending made for people to leave in a happy state, but the truth of the matter is, it left too many things unanswered. Julianne Moore's performance was excellent though! The real emotions of a mother who'd lost her son. So powerful!

IMDB Link: http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0356618/

Sunday, January 09, 2005

Seeing Other People

Surprisingly funny! I didn't have any expectations when watching this, frankly, I didn't know what it was about... but it turned out to be really good.

Basically, it's about a couple Ed and Alice (played by Jay Mohr and Julianne Nicholson) who are about to get married when Alice decides that they she hasn't had a chance to sleep around before and experience the whole "slutty" thing.

So, they agree to each "see other people" and have meaningless sex until they are fulfilled. They run into a lot of drama with each of them getting further and further apart from each other and each getting some weird attachment of some sort.

It's weird and quirky and pretty darn funny. It was a good watch ;) (no, there aren't many sex scenes, but the ones that they did have in the movie, were bloody funny ones cause it was just weird. hehehehe)

IMDB Link: http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0362129

Saturday, January 08, 2005

The Cookout

A black movie. I love black movies. Sometimes I think I'm black... even though I'm obviously asian... hahaha.

Anyway, good cast. Storyline was a little weak. I mean, come on, that security guard didn't even have the blockade bar down. If she did, the cars couldn't go in unless they ram it.

And how did the main character acquire such assests without money. Sure, he got a contract.... that was meant to go over 6 years... but the season didn't even start yet. Spend before you have? But that house... man... And poster spoilt the movie. You know what she looks like before they reveal it.

But it was funny. I found it entertaining. It is black humour and very stereotypical, but I love it. Give it a go if you're into such ;)

IMDB Link: http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0380277

Friday, January 07, 2005

Friday Night Lights

It was okay. Of all the football movies I've seen, this wasn't exactly the best.

There wasn't much character building in this story at all. I was expecting at least some sort of drama or history behind some of the characters or at least more of the team to be introduced, but only a select few were mentioned.

I guess they couldn't really jazz it up. It was based on a true story. And like most movies based on true stories, it was one of those that pushes the themes of love and friendship.

One of the big flaws about this movie was that the main quaterback... they didn't really tell us much about him at all. They kept flicking in and out of his life but never really give us anything. And they didn't explain his mum either, unless I missed it. I dunno, it was alright to watch. It does go into a lot of things like racial controversy and sportsmanship. But you kinda have to pick at the movie to see it.

I wonder how the real generation of the people this movie portrays, feels about this movie. I guess this wasn't as good a story as Remember the Titans, but it was still alright to watch. It was interesting to see how the characters turned out in the end in real life, where they posted the blurbs up.

IMDB Link: http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0390022/

Thursday, January 06, 2005

Dickie Roberts - Former Child Star

Okay. This was a silly movie. It was entertaining nonetheless. I like David Spade from Just Shoot Me, but I haven't really watched many of his movies.

I have to say, this movie was alright. I don't have many things against it. Other than the neighbours moving out like that so quickly... was almost instant...

I do like the catch phrase. Hahahaha. That was pretty funny. You'll see what I mean if you watch it.

And come on, the ending, like seriously... but I guess it was a story about Love and Family... you know, the wholesome stuff...

OH! Watch the credits! It's pretty funny. And if you stick around to the very end, you'll hear something from David Spade. Hehehehe.

IMDB Link: http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0325258/

Wednesday, January 05, 2005

The Merchant of Venice

Fantastic! Stunning! Absolutely brilliant! I loved it!

The portrayal of this story was done magnificently! From the scenery to the casting. Everything was suited to a treat. Well, there was that one dude where I looked at him and everytime I heard him speak or see him on the screen, made me remember him as the idiot team leader in a TV series I'd rather not mention. Oh alright, it's the idiot team leader (Mackenzie Crook) from The Office.

But my oh my oh my! Al Pacino was so damn good! His Old English was so fluent it didn't sound like it was acting. Some of the other characters didn't sound as fluent as I would have liked, but it's not something people normally pick up on. But man, Al Pacino's emotions and his general posture and everything he did was just so stunning!

I kinda expected a little more from Joseph Fiennes though. Especially since he's got experience with Shakespeare behind him with the movie Shakespeare in Love. Even then, it was still good.

And I loved that famous speech. I was almost able to recite as from I memorised it during my highschool years.

The quality of mercy is not strain'd;
It droppeth, as the gentle rain from heaven
Upon the place beneath: it is twice bless'd;
It blesseth him that gives, and him that takes:
`Tis mightiest in the mightiest; It becomes
The throned monarch better than his crown:
His sceptre shows the force of temporal power,
The attribute to awe and majesty,
Wherein doth sit the dread and fear of kings;
But mercy is above this sceptered sway,
It is enthroned in the hearths of kings,
It is an attribute to God himself;
And earthly power doth then show likest God's,
When mercy seasons justice. Therefore, Jew,
Though justice be thy plea, consider this,
That in the course of justice, none of us
Should see salvation; we do pray for mercy;
And that same prayer doth teach us all to render
The deeds of mercy.

So good. You should definitely watch this film. You may not understand it all as the English used is quite Old, yet, very compelling.

IMDB Link: http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0379889

Official Website: http://www.sonypictures.com/classics/merchantofvenice/

Tuesday, January 04, 2005

Daddy Day Care

I put off watching this movie for a while, but I thought I might as well give it a try. It wasn't bad. I was quite entertaining. (Either that or I have a real high tolerance for movies before I deem it as crap!)

Sure, Eddie Murphy didn't play the complete idiot in the movie or a super funny character, but he's quite versatile. I think working with Kid actors in general is quite tough and he pulled it off nicely.

I liked the end bloopers during the credits as well. That was a nice touch ;) Kids say the darnedest things ;p kekekeke

Anyway, give it a chance. You might find it entertaining. It's a no brainer ;)

IMDB Link: http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0317303/

Monday, January 03, 2005

A Man Apart

Ah yes, a Vin Diesel flick. Storyline wasn't the best. Action wise, you would expect a little more, and reality wise... you wouldn't believe it for a second!

Like come on... the ending was a big AS IF... and do you seriously think 2 people can take down an entire place? Also, would that place be so under-guarded too?

And how would the bad guys find out which cop did what? I mean, if they had inside people, then they wouldn't have gotten caught in the first place! I dunno, visually, it was okay to watch, but the storyline was kinda crap.

IMDB Link: http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0266465/

Official Website: http://www.amanapartmovie.com/

Sunday, January 02, 2005

Blade Trinity

I can't say it was all that good, and it wasn't all that bad either. It was just... normal.

There weren't any extravagant fight scenes or any super special effects or anything. It was just normal. The story line was okay... There were a few scenes where you go "WTF"... "As if that could happen!"

Like seriously, walking in broad daylight, carring arrows on your back and not being questioned or stopped by anyone as you walk down the street. That's a little far fetched!

And a blind woman being a bi-chemist. Seriously...

Ryan Reynolds's character was pretty cool. Very funny. If we were to count the number of lines Wesley Snipes had in the movie... it would be like... 10 lines? I liked Jessica Biel as well, though, seriously, not being hit whilst you're preparing your arrow is a big AS IF!

Anyway, watch it if you liked the first two, just so you can see what happens... but other than that... wait for it on DVD instead of seeing it in a cinema. I did like some of the cool weapons though.

IMDB Link: http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0359013/

Official Website: http://www.bladetrinity.com/

Saturday, January 01, 2005

Without a Paddle

Entertaining. There was 1 scene where I almost vomitted. But it was hillarious nonetheless. It was one wacky adventure but it was a good one.

I liked each of the characters. They formed a good trio. Seth Green always plays the loser, or the geek or the rich loser in most of his movies and this was no exception. But it was cool though.

There were a few dumb parts like seriously, they would have had enough time to at least put on a shirt before they got off the tree. I'm sure they would have had that time to put something on. And the clothes they managed to get at the end. I think they should have at least made it so that the clothes didn't fit as snug as it did. The three of them were of different builds and they all managed to find clothing that fit inside that trunk. I mean, okay, the jeans were a little short when you looked at it, but it still fit him!

I also want to find a phone that can go through a digestive system without being damaged ;) Anyway, very entertaining! Watch it for fun ;)

IMDB Link: http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0364751